Val pro players

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdVeaLb-Ups&ab_channel=waywardzz this is a video about the insane amount of worth KK puts into this game to even have a chance at lifting a trophy. And while his methods may be way more extreme then others, the fact is the Guard players worked just as fucking hard for this. They risked their careers,jobs, time, and health to have a fucking chance to be together with the best in the world. And this is how riot rewards them, a fucking punch to their guts. Leo you seem like a nice dude whos trying his best, but i want you to fly yourself to these players and tell them to their face that they wasted a whole year of their lives because you cannot make a exception.

(Disclaimer im not saying the guard or kk work more then each other just using this video has a example to hammer down how hard Esports players work to even get a chance of finding success. The video was a excellent way of hammer down what ppl like KK feel and I wanted to stress that, I dont think a video like that has been released for the guard players)


Players sacrificed so much to get to where they are. The way riot and Leo handle the situations shows they don't give a fk and only want to sell the orgs and the franchise system as a way to make money. They no longer have the esports passion of old league.

Ullyr [#2]

Players sacrificed so much to get to where they are. The way riot and Leo handle the situations shows they don't give a fk and only want to sell the orgs and the franchise system as a way to make money. They no longer have the esports passion of old league.

My heart goes to fucking Tex and JohnaP. They arent great players but their competion is insane and whos gonna pick them up when most rosters have someone of their role (Entry and Flex) and numerous other F/A who looked better.

Rodu [#3]

My heart goes to fucking Tex and JohnaP. They arent great players but their competion is insane and whos gonna pick them up when most rosters have someone of their role (Entry and Flex) and numerous other F/A who looked better.

What the guard did was such an impressive story and feat. Imagine all 5 stick together and didn't dip for franchising. Play together a whole year and achieved consistency to get the one ascension slot. Riot just shit all over that.


it would be so easy for riot to just let the players compete under a new org or something rather than just robbing them of the spot they earned and most definitely deserve

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