If you look carefully, this map has exactly the same layout as the “ANCIENT” map in Counter Strike.
TheArslan [#2]Yes now i'm sure this is one hundred percent stolen from the ancient map.
As a map maker myself, its really hard to make something new especially with a format that has existed more than 20 years.
But yeah Sunset does resemble de_ancient a lot. Mid is a bit different and A link does not exist in de_ancient.
yoavtc [#3]As a map maker myself, its really hard to make something new especially with a format that has existed more than 20 years.
But yeah Sunset does resemble de_ancient a lot. Mid is a bit different and A link does not exist in de_ancient.
Could you find any similarities for Lotus? I myself found anubis (which is optically identical)
CryoZanderDerrekEnjoyer [#4]my homie after copying the homework despite telling him to not make it obvious