bro didnt get a kill in the ludwig event. what a gigachad
we'll get em in the next one o7
Will fit right in with the Sen roster.
Zombsnation >>>>> Sen City
zombs tenz babyj newzera seoldam for 2024 sen
This roster literally 26-0s every single team in existence
sadly riot will never allow this superteam so we will forever be deprived of the dynasty this team wouldve been
riot had to nerf zombs from 1v9ing everyone
sadly tencent china pride is biased and need zombs nerfed so china can play game zombsnation would ruin shit region (the world) and rito game doesnt like that
humble goat, it's like a father letting his children beat him so they don't feel bad (also that passive aggressive convo with ludwig at the end 😭)
zombs made washdell rage quit a scrim by using op
zombs would thrash everyone with a touchpad