Kayo in pro play

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I'm watching the Korean valorant and I see WGS playing kayo. Kayo is allowed in challengers 2 for NA right? Did Korea start barely after Kayo was allowed in pro play. Idk. Are there any other countries that allow Kayo rn bc I've been playing Kayo in ranked quite a bit so it'd be cool to watch some of it. I'll watch this WGS game though bc WGS have been pretty good at adding yoru before so I think they can add the Kayo.


Since 2 weeks are over already .... Kayo was allowed since yesterday...but it only applied to korea because they were only region who started a new stage yesterday.... Rest all regions were already in challengers 1 and are allowed to play Kayo in challengers 2... Korea doesnt have challengers 1,2 etc so they could play from yesterday as thier seeding stage started

FIreFistOM [#2]

Since 2 weeks are over already .... Kayo was allowed since yesterday...but it only applied to korea because they were only region who started a new stage yesterday.... Rest all regions were already in challengers 1 and are allowed to play Kayo in challengers 2... Korea doesnt have challengers 1,2 etc so they could play from yesterday as thier seeding stage started

VN is allowed too I'm pretty sure. The first match is rn

FIreFistOM [#2]

Since 2 weeks are over already .... Kayo was allowed since yesterday...but it only applied to korea because they were only region who started a new stage yesterday.... Rest all regions were already in challengers 1 and are allowed to play Kayo in challengers 2... Korea doesnt have challengers 1,2 etc so they could play from yesterday as thier seeding stage started


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