Botssi botssi opper 😊
Went b to hold the site 😲
Holding b main 😏
And whiffs all his shots 😞😂
Dashed to back to site 💪
And gave up all b main 🤡🤡
So the botssi botssi opper 💩💩
Whiffs all the shots again 😊😊
AvgRossiFan [#6]Bookmarking this for the day when skgoatsi will rise
Why are you bookmarking this for the day that will never happen
PootisSpencerHere [#16]"omg guys mental health is important i feel bad for the player who commited sudoku guys we are so harsh we shouldnt be like that" you in the future
what is blud waffling about 😂😂😂
Karmxam [#20]So much hardwork for just to give hate to somebody who doesn't even know you and remotely give a f*** abt u 😭😭
all Light work lil bro 😂😂😂 so much dickriding for someone who doesnt even give a fuck about you 😂😂😂
Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#21]all Light work lil bro 😂😂😂 so much dickriding for someone who doesnt even give a fuck about you 😂😂😂
Alright my bad
Sorry no life,shallow,dumb, hateful idiot who hasn't achieved shit , go tell ur parents how depressed u are and cry abt it
Karmxam [#22]Alright my bad
Sorry no life,shallow,dumb, hateful idiot who hasn't achieved shit , go tell ur parents how depressed u are and cry abt it
😞😞😞 butthurt botssi fan say bad things to me oh no!!! cries 😭😭😭
EMEAstan [#25]You spent time making this 💀
Botssi 🗿
not really i was just listening to itsy bitsy spider and thought it sounded like botssi did that shit in 10 mins
Domination [#10]😹😹😹😹
He're I come, put a Bo'oh'o'wa'er in your mouth babies!!,
My name is boaster,
My mum's a toaster,
I have a big gas ass,
My fans drink gass,
Domination is delusional and is obese,
Get that pig a pan cuz he wanna pee
IDK what rhyme you are thinking of while writing this but this version fits what I imagined it to be:
Botssi botssi opper 😊
Went b to hold the site 😲
while holding b main he spots 3😏
then whiffs his f*cking shot 😞😂
He then dashed back onto site 💪
And gave up all b main 🤡🤡
So the botssi botssi opper 💩💩
Whiffs all his shots again 😊😊
FalleN_is_BhandxD [#35]Bro suck rossis' dick for once and be done with it. Too much obsession is not good for you.
Botssi 🗿
FalleN_is_BhandxD [#35]Bro suck rossis' dick for once and be done with it. Too much obsession is not good for you.