Dog lovers come.. need help

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Recently i have been offered job in the city that is away from my hometown. I am very much attached to my pet dog. I am having anxiety about how he will react while i only meet him 1 time in 2-3 months. Will he be okay? How to prepare him for this as i have a month left to join that job. My family will be taking care of him while I am gone. I really feel devastated and worried.... even after knowing that my family will be taking good care of him. Any tips would be appreciated if you faced same kind of situation.


No problem leave your dog at my house ( I wont keep him forever trust)


cats > dogs
(i love dogs too)


If they are taking care of him well then why u stressin. Follow ur dreams brotha

Unless the job is trash then don’t take it


he'll be fine (i have never owned a dog in my life)


If you guys are really close he'll miss you... but since he'll have familiar faces he'll be fine (as in, nothing life threatening).

You probably know that dogs 'see' the world through their noses, so if you want to facetime him, you can leave some toys or some clothes with your smell at home. Then when you call him he'll hear your voice, see you, but most important: he'll smell you (he might even associate the tablet/phone with you and like camp the phone or something)

Also, dogs are immensely present creatures. So while he'll miss you, he won't dwell on it (unlike humans).

Tentativas [#6]

If you guys are really close he'll miss you... but since he'll have familiar faces he'll be fine (as in, nothing life threatening).

You probably know that dogs 'see' the world through their noses, so if you want to facetime him, you can leave some toys or some clothes with your smell at home. Then when you call him he'll hear your voice, see you, but most important: he'll smell you (he might even associate the tablet/phone with you and like camp the phone or something)

Also, dogs are immensely present creatures. So while he'll miss you, he won't dwell on it (unlike humans).

Good advice

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