Delusional vlr users

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“We haven’t seen all 5 teams blah blah” yea monkey brain it’s called making an educated guess.

Also I was comparing the regions as a whole. Lev was an example retard use your fucking brain. God your cookie cutter mind can’t intake off paper knowledge. And we all see your lack of brains by trying to use bold letters and shit. The point was that teams who r not even in this tournament can beat Navi. Lev was the first team came to mind because they almost qualified.


Kid, that's is exactly WHY I QUESTIONED YOU as your -->

GUESS is more uneducated than educated, as you've provided no evidence to back it up, not even any partially accessible data.... LMAO, I would listen to you and zip it up, but I didn't see anything EDUCATED from you. LMAO are you ok?

All you did is just talked and talked NONSENSE - you're not the first here, btw!

Yeah, luck of the brain, he said... DO YOU SEE HOW EASY YOU ARE AS YOU THROW MORE OF YOUR FINEST of UNEDUCATED GUESSES AT ME - nothing educated here, kiddo? I'm not even trying 😘


Your lack of common sense is very uneducated buddy

U want stats emea has one team to beat an Americas team all year dumbass not navi not liquid not anyone.

And you’re “not even trying” after sending your 4th paragraph 🤣🤣 maybe you should start trying buddy because you sound dumb AS FUCK

You want stats ape brain? Lev beat nrg, nrg out placed navi and liquid at the last masters. There u go little girl take your previous tournaments stats because they’re the only thing u care about and now u can see ur wrong because of “past tournament stats”

If I were u I’d take a year or two to reply to make ur self look a little less retarted as your brain develops


You: "Lev beat nrg, nrg out placed navi and liquid at the last masters." - IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT! The only question was about your Leviatan's claim, and it is presented above including southern part of Americas as extension only... to show your contradiction in regards to NAVI (old FPX). If one of the teams - C9/LEV does not fit your criteria, it simply = EQUALS = NOT AN EASY or EQUAL COMPETITION with EMEA in particular - NAVI... you still don't get, do you? 🦄

And, once again, you demonstrate a lack of comprehension, since in "I'm not even trying" --> as to find mistakes in your assertions, not that I didn't consider what you had to say about the teams etc.... I actually did try to think about your main statement, and establish somewhat valid discussion, however you expressed your claim very poorly with more than enough faults and complete lack of any evidence, that you left me with no choice but to consider your whole take is a total bullshit.

That's it, Fluffy... you see - sun is bright and grass is green


Just read a whole lotta nothing

I used your logic and now you’re saying that’s not how it works gosh you’re so retarted


Well, you figured it all out on your own... Gee, finally... and keep reading "a whole lotta nothing" - you never know when it'll hit you. But... keep trying, and get rid of those UNEDUCATED guesses of yours - don't lead anywhere 😘🦄

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