at what age do you guys think players hit their peaks?
Gratis [#3]Whatever age ange1 is
Edit: wait I thought you meant what age they should get a real job
Why he is making 10x your yearly in a month then
LyCan52 [#11]igl 28+
it should be considered retiring age 🗿
boaster 28 or 29 tho no?
dont think he needs to retire
Very difficult question to answer due to the million factors involved. The more you play the game the better you will be. I would say most players peak at 20-21. If work wasn't a factor and life in general, basically if you are a no life the peak could be 20-40 easy. Realistically I would say 20-21. Kinda coincides with IQ too, you can peak earlier if you are giga brain child.