"you're structuring your argument like you're about to submit it to your fifth grade teacher. even your mindless insults calling me a dumbass and stating my lack of intelligence (when I haven't said a thing about YOU as a person to begin with!) sound like something an 11yo would come up with. the fact that you even need to use personal insults to get your point across signifies how weak it is."
Well the lack of intelligence is just a fact, wasn't even meant as an insult lmfao. I'm just being blunt about factual observations related to you, you're genuinely unintelligent. when did I have to use personal insults to get my point across? I already explained my argument and debunked YOURS before i even 'insulted' you lmao.
Again, your definition of favourite is not the one and only definition of favourite. Just because YOU believe thats what the definition is, doesnt mean anything. favourite definition - a competitor judged most likely to win https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/favorite
literally, merriam webster dictionary definition. It proves me right, you have no sources, just the bullshit that you managed to pull out of your ass and pass off as 'valid' and 'true' in absence of your argument, LMFAO. It's genuinely funny seeing how desperate you are, shifting your argument every single time. You realize that you have no chance with the main argument we were discussing, now you proceed to try and dispute semantics with me about the definition of favourite. Pretentious fuck.
So there you go, being a favourite has nothing to do necessarily with betting, just being the most likely option to win, and the way to determine that most likely factor, is obviously, as I've explained, through match results and accomplishments.