LOUD went 0-2 in copenhagen and Optic was the one who knocked them out.
1st 2nd and 3rd placing >>>>> 1st 2nd and last placing also LOUD literally had no competition regionally
champs is weighted more heavily than masters so you need to take that into account,also if loud were playing against scrubs why are so many of those scrubs in tier 1 americas like heat,mwzera,cauanzin,dgzin etc
if thats the case why arent you questioning the op about Acends placings? also you could literally only mention 4 players as "competition" and out of the 4, one got dropped from the worst Americas team.
yeah i think acend is over gambit as well the op is NA though so i thought he would have more to say about 2022,as to the competition brazil is not an easy region to dominate and has very strong players,also NA isn't all its cracked up to be as we saw at this LCQ