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As a Madrid fan I pretty much stopped watching futbol altogether around 2018 (when CR7 went to Juve) but really like 2016/17 when the entire scene started to become shit. A bunch of hyped new youngsters that never amounted to anything year after year. The prem was a joke, especially united. La liga wasn't la liga without the GOAT rivalry. Bundesliga had lost all of its exciting players either to transfer or retire. And cherry on top was PSG bringing Neymar into a vacation league.

I finally get the feeling that futbol is going to become exciting to watch again especially with Real forming a super team. Futbol is boring when the super teams have mid table level teams. The Madrid transfers recently have been out of this fucking world. Camavinga, Tchoumeni are outstanding pickups. Bellingham will be amazing box to box and even better is this youngster they picked up, the future goat, ARDA GULER. This kid is out of this world and I hope they give him loads of playing time and don't loan him out. Super excited to watch him play the most out of all the pickups. And if Madrid manage to pickup Mbappe....... G fucking G. The only hole Madrid will have is RB, and I like Carvajal but he's got too many miles on him right now and if Madrid get Davies........ super team of the century.




The last prem season was one of the most competitive and entertaining in a while. Not hating on your preferences, but why do you prefer when teams have super teams and demolish everyone else?


As a Madrid fan but u stopped watching them after CR7 left. Youre Cr7 fan not Madrid

BrNT [#3]

The last prem season was one of the most competitive and entertaining in a while. Not hating on your preferences, but why do you prefer when teams have super teams and demolish everyone else?

If the super teams don't have actual super teams then it's not really exciting if an "underdog" wins because they aren't really underdogs yk? Also that's the whole reputation of teams like Madrid, Barca, Utd, etc. They're suppose to be the top dogs. So when their teams are lackluster and a team like Benfica (really good team usually, but never a favorite) beats Real it means less than if they were to beat a Real with a stacked lineup. Basically super teams in futbol create for great competitive spectacles. Like the invincibles, and the OG Real/Barca clash. I just want the best competitively for my viewership needs


If the reason you stop watching football is the meritocracy of your favorite team then neither are you a football fan nor a fan of the club. You just board the hype train from time to time which is itself isnt a problem but is as bad as calling football - soccer.

Typer [#4]

As a Madrid fan but u stopped watching them after CR7 left. Youre Cr7 fan not Madrid

You're technically right I guess. I'm more a fan of futbol over any specific team though. I say Madrid fan because that's the team I'm routing for every CL. Was still routing for Real when CR7 was with Juve. Can I be blamed though if I stopped watching? I'm not 95 years old lmaooo most Real fans in their early 20's and younger are just CR7 fans. Same with Barca fans in their early 20's and younger, just Messi fans really.

LimiNaL [#2]



torn_gucci_sandals [#8]


a lot

pandoradox [#6]

If the reason you stop watching football is the meritocracy of your favorite team then neither are you a football fan nor a fan of the club. You just board the hype train from time to time which is itself isnt a problem but is as bad as calling football - soccer.

#7 + If I stop watching futbol at the meritocracy of my favorite team I'm literally a fan of futbol over anything else wtf r u even saying. So a fan is just blind allegiance for you? What kind of sheep shit is that.

iann_21 [#9]

a lot


ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#10]

#7 + If I stop watching futbol at the meritocracy of my favorite team I'm literally a fan of futbol over anything else wtf r u even saying. So a fan is just blind allegiance for you? What kind of sheep shit is that.

How so? you stopped watching when your team stopped winning or a certain player left your team. Just a fake fan then.



torn_gucci_sandals [#8]



BWF [#14]



ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#7]

You're technically right I guess. I'm more a fan of futbol over any specific team though. I say Madrid fan because that's the team I'm routing for every CL. Was still routing for Real when CR7 was with Juve. Can I be blamed though if I stopped watching? I'm not 95 years old lmaooo most Real fans in their early 20's and younger are just CR7 fans. Same with Barca fans in their early 20's and younger, just Messi fans really.

Ever considered your regional club? Bandwagoning the top teams is so lame to me

Congo1 [#16]

Ever considered your regional club? Bandwagoning the top teams is so lame to me

Ironic coming from the guy with a Loud flair lmao. You couldn't pay me to watch the MLS

ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#17]

Ironic coming from the guy with a Loud flair lmao. You couldn't pay me to watch the MLS

Why ironic? I Supported Flamengo since i was a kid as it is my hometown club. But even if you cant do that. Choose someone that speaks to you rather than a plastic product Just because theyre good. Every top club is pretty plastic these days. You are so boring gringo

pandoradox [#12]

How so? you stopped watching when your team stopped winning or a certain player left your team. Just a fake fan then.

You're just chatting for sake of arguing at this point, which is very weird. Madrid won their 3rd consecutive CL when I stopped watching. I literally mentioned all of the top leagues in my post, how am I not a fan of the sport? You are so fixated on me being a fake fan, I think you're just a Barca fan trying to put down a Madrid fan, classic toxic fan.

Let me put it this way, you're a SEN fan, but if SEN loses their roster and lets just say they become a T2 team competing in T2 (ex:OR roster is now SEN), something tells me you're not going to be watching SEN play anymore. BC while they might have potential and you might still be a SEN fan, it's no longer appealing to you to watch their games

Congo1 [#18]

Why ironic? I Supported Flamengo since i was a kid as it is my hometown club. But even if you cant do that. Choose someone that speaks to you rather than a plastic product Just because theyre good. Every top club is pretty plastic these days. You are so boring gringo

Because you are a bandwagon of the best Val team in your region. Why do you have to use derogatory comments? It's a bad look. Anyway, you gotta understand that the US is pretty plastic as is, my bad if I don't have a club that "speaks" to me lmao. We're not all Brazilians bro.

ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#19]

You're just chatting for sake of arguing at this point, which is very weird. Madrid won their 3rd consecutive CL when I stopped watching. I literally mentioned all of the top leagues in my post, how am I not a fan of the sport? You are so fixated on me being a fake fan, I think you're just a Barca fan trying to put down a Madrid fan, classic toxic fan.

Let me put it this way, you're a SEN fan, but if SEN loses their roster and lets just say they become a T2 team competing in T2 (ex:OR roster is now SEN), something tells me you're not going to be watching SEN play anymore. BC while they might have potential and you might still be a SEN fan, it's no longer appealing to you to watch their games

Brother only ronaldo left that year, wtf are you waffling about. No harm exposing you are a fake fan and just support teams for clout. You yourself realized you dug a hole and are crying all over the place. Mentioning AlL ThE LeAgUeS iN a SpOrT doesnt make you a fan, anyone can do that. If I am a fan of a team, i will watch them regardless of the players, thats the difference between following a team and being a whore for winning teams or supporting a player.

ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#17]

Ironic coming from the guy with a Loud flair lmao. You couldn't pay me to watch the MLS



vini jr clears them


vini is the new ronaldo TRUST


Visca Barca

pandoradox [#21]

Brother only ronaldo left that year, wtf are you waffling about. No harm exposing you are a fake fan and just support teams for clout. You yourself realized you dug a hole and are crying all over the place. Mentioning AlL ThE LeAgUeS iN a SpOrT doesnt make you a fan, anyone can do that. If I am a fan of a team, i will watch them regardless of the players, thats the difference between following a team and being a whore for winning teams or supporting a player.

Yea you lost me with that reply chief, it's clear you're just a degenerate. There's something about telling someone else they are a fake fan that's just cringe. Fact is you're not supporting SEN if they didn't have all the clouted players that they have/had. If I'm a fake Real fan you're a fake SEN fan. You are a textbook hypocrite.

ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#26]

Yea you lost me with that reply chief, it's clear you're just a degenerate. There's something about telling someone else they are a fake fan that's just cringe. Fact is you're not supporting SEN if they didn't have all the clouted players that they have/had. If I'm a fake Real fan you're a fake SEN fan. You are a textbook hypocrite.

Do you have any comprehension skills? I have supported sentinels since i started watching. They changed their entire roster i still support them, how does that make me a fake fan? you degenerate piece of shit couldnt handle being exposed and hence are now crying. Whats more cringe than calling someone fake fan? Being a fake fan like you. But you do you brother.

pandoradox [#27]

Do you have any comprehension skills? I have supported sentinels since i started watching. They changed their entire roster i still support them, how does that make me a fake fan? you degenerate piece of shit couldnt handle being exposed and hence are now crying. Whats more cringe than calling someone fake fan? Being a fake fan like you. But you do you brother.

Sentinels is literally Real Madrid pea brain. You're still a hypocrite. I keep forgetting this site has a bunch of people with no brain cells. Don't question my comprehension skills when you are the one who can't comprehend. It's okay tho I know your shithole country doesn't really have any education so I understand why you are the way you are. later kid

ronaldinhoooooooooooo [#28]

Sentinels is literally Real Madrid pea brain. You're still a hypocrite. I keep forgetting this site has a bunch of people with no brain cells. Don't question my comprehension skills when you are the one who can't comprehend. It's okay tho I know your shithole country doesn't really have any education so I understand why you are the way you are. later kid

Noone cares what you think is the equivalent you dumb retard. also you from brazil, dont compare your education to indias. Never heard a brazallian be a ceo or a scholar lmao. keep on getting owned by germany in football and eg in valorant and everyone else in everything else.

Congo1 [#18]

Why ironic? I Supported Flamengo since i was a kid as it is my hometown club. But even if you cant do that. Choose someone that speaks to you rather than a plastic product Just because theyre good. Every top club is pretty plastic these days. You are so boring gringo

Congo1 my fav brazilian kkkk

GreyDaze [#30]

Congo1 my fav brazilian kkkk


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