where are they now? (#12)


APAC Franchising

Paper Rex

pndomnia - Retired
Tommy - Retired
shiba - Teo Teo Teo

Team Secret

Witz - NAOS
dispenser - Retired

Rex Regum Qeon

KingLeo - Retired
f1re - Retired
ValdyN - Dominatus
xyNe - Hike Digital Esports
Maestro - Retired
taLenT7 - Retired
adrnking - Alter Ego
NextJacks - Retired
Tr1X - Retired
Hemsyxx - F/A
skadooskurt - Retired
Flash - Retired
Rabbet - Head Coach of True Rippers
Kevzii - Action PH
Draxii - Oasis Gaming
Nexi - Oasis Gaming
kellyS - Action PH

Global Esports

hellff - F/A
skillZ - Retired
KappA - Assistant Coach of Global Esports Phoenix
HellrangeR - Retired

Talon Esports

GabbyDiz - Retired
Alex - Retired
Drei - Retired
gnaru - ZOL Esports
PatMen - ZOL Esports
markL - Rambutan ni Tatay
UdoTan - Gwangju Shadow


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