Chronicle!!!!!!!!!!! Something Nats Suygetsu Shao Sheydos Redgar
Who do you keep?
Something Nats Shao Redgar Sheydos
gambit roster
1 is not like the others..
something kronikel nAts redgar sheydos
One sneak and it is Suygetsu 🗿
where is chronicle
Domination [#6] One sneak and it is Suygetsu 🗿
rare domination w other than
5 nats
LnX [#9] 5 nats
Riskkkkkkk [#7] where is chronicle
Oh obviously he is the Number 1 Goat
Isn't Derke also technically a Russian?
chronicle suygetsu something sheydos shao
Gambit roster+something.
nutab1e [#13] chronicle suygetsu something sheydos shao