7 hours for one BO3 and second match has not even started yet 😴 Thai production KEKW
lol I just wanted to watch bonkers. the bonkers game will now start at like midnight or later now
Its actually Indonesian responsible for organizing this tournament
Rip for the casters and host lmao. Casting a 5 hour game and 2nd match haven't started yet
Singapore VCL production was rlly good They couldve used the sg team.....these delays fkn suck
They should change the event's name to pausecific asscencion ngl
ncahlil [#7] They should change the event's name to pausecific asscencion ngl
Stolen joke ggs
wtf are these comps
copiumprxfan [#8] Stolen joke ggs
Can u find me the owner of the joke so I can credit him properly