Exactly, you don't have enough talent to fill 10 slots. Those would be just horrible contenders, and quality of some existing NA teams would decrease.
That is just false. If NA had 10 slots their quality of teams would be lower than you think. Also you would have some shit orgs who decided to build terrible rosters like what Heretics and KCorp did. EMEA is stacked with tier 2 talent, but teams are scared of giving them chances. Like whole FUT came from tier 2 and even though they didn't do that well in Tokyo(underperformance) they are still good.
difference is though, NA has a plethora of well funded ORG's, through franchising we Lost track of the objectively 2 best players in the world (Marved and Yay) and in turn got Shaartis and a streamer.
NA has a good other 3 or 4 T2 teams that are just as good as the T1 teams, and PLENTY more orgs that would hold those rosters or make intelligent moves.
Also I dont think your understanding something. Your saying "whole fut came from T2" like that means something? You do know that EG was a collegiate player, and 4 T2 players right?