We are not educated but football stadium atmosphere still better than this
Gutwi [#2]yet when it gets a little bit "hot" everyone leaves the stadium
Or maybe when they Order us to get the fuck out.
We don't live for your happiness, sleep with that.
Mirekz [#11]+1 everybody praising JP crowd but there was literally 0 hype from the crowd, if wasn't for the cameras showing the crowd ppl wouldnt even guess that there was a huge crowd there.
yet they still stay till the end and congratulate the winner, at least they are well educated
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#14]BR sore losers. VALORANT international LANs should never come back to BR ungrateful region Japan got 0 teams in the tournament but still didnt leave after finals
That's exactly why they didn't leave, its a neutral crowd, if Lakers is playing in LA and they start losing the lakers crowd goes home before the game ends.
Domination [#12]Where is this “football stadium atmosphere” when non-Brazilian teams are playing💀🗿
Mirekz [#18]That's exactly why they didn't leave, its a neutral crowd, if Lakers is playing in LA and they start losing the lakers crowd goes home before the game ends.
this is more like a lakers crowd coming into a tournament without the lakers and still cheering for every team in there. BR ungratefuls could never.
Rimuru_T [#15]yet they still stay till the end and congratulate the winner, at least they are well educated
M8 its 5pm in Japan atm, not almost 12am like it was in Brazil when Fnatic vs Loud ended.
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#22]this is more like a lakers crowd coming into a tournament without the lakers and still cheering for every team in there. BR ungratefuls could never.
Lakers crowd wouldn't go to a tournament without lakers lil bro, what are you even saying? also there was many LoL events in Brazil without a single BR team and the crowd was cheering for everybody cus they were neutral.
Mirekz [#25]Lakers crowd wouldn't go to a tournament without lakers lil bro, what are you even saying? also there was many LoL events in Brazil without a single BR team and the crowd was cheering for everybody cus they were neutral.
yeah japanese ppl had no reason to come to tokyo because no jpn teams but they still came, also LoL is not valorant, crowd can be good in LoL but if they're not good in val they should never get another masters/champs event again.
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#26]yeah japanese ppl had no reason to come to tokyo because no jpn teams but they still came, also LoL is not valorant, crowd can be good in LoL but if they're not good in val they should never get another masters/champs event again.
They did have a reason to go, cus they like valorant, but they didn't have a reason to be one sided, here's a clip from the Rio Major finals that happened in CSGO https://clips.twitch.tv/MagnificentImportantAmazonGOWSkull-GaDdATcN-SnhG9eb no BR teams in the finals so the crowd was neutral, before that they were full one sided cus Furia was still in the event, that's how it works, you can't expect the crowd to not be biased when a home team is playing.
Mirekz [#24]M8 its 5pm in Japan atm, not almost 12am like it was in Brazil when Fnatic vs Loud ended.
Ok but what excuse do u have for the booing?