because its taking credit AWAY from a team which is completely fucking unreasonable? what i said is objectively reasonable at the pro level, what he said is literally unreasonable lmfao. my assumption isnt braindead, his is. fucking ape
ahh i get it, so you think you know what goes on behind the scenes because you watch 25 minute comms videos. You know you can say someone wants it more without taking credit away from the other team right? or is any remark about 100T that you dont like gonna trigger you? just because a team wants it more doesn't mean the other team didn't work hard and want to win it.
nah, saying that another team wants it more is still tkaing credit away bc that literaelly means that the other team didnt work as hard, when in reality both teams worked super hard. even saying they wanted it more by 1% is still taking credit away from the other team bc its just bullshit lmfao and speaking out of your ass