Warlordwibz [#27]
I feel like this has something to do with the practice culture. So many players/team said scrimming chinese teams in asia always have benefit as they took it SERIOUSLY.
CN teams play from approx 10-11am to about 1-2am (with about 6-7 scrim maps + theory + VOD + ranked).
When I see PRX in Korea they finish scrim daily around 6pm and classic SEA tourist Korean BBQ/ go out exploring town/Karaoke till 10pm. Yes PRX are top team in pacific and think they can run the league w DRX only competition, but Chinese teams takes practice culture SUPER SERIOUSLY. Heck even T1 scrim till 11pm. It probably East Asia - SEA culture.
practice culture is way different because players in major regions have to worry about career longevity. in na things are volatile, one bad result in most esports and your done. So they stream and focus on personal branding more then putting in hours to be the best. In csgo when we had to play an american team we would always be ahead strategically, i’ve always said NA has the most talented individuals in the world but we will never see na dominance until results>individual brand.