- Dicey
- Mwzera
- Wedid
- Shahzam
- Sacy
- nukkye
- scream
- nats
- everyone on soniqs
- Hiko
NSG_Observer_2 [#5]what does that even mean?
You enjoy attention from people online and it's sad
All attention, even bad attention is good attention in your opinion
drabr420 [#9]hiko i can kinda see but the rest just no
also how can u see dicey as overrated when hes hasnt played an official since february
drabr420 [#10]also how can u see dicey as overrated when hes hasnt played an official since february
It's a bait don't waste your time lmao
thebrownlegend [#12]This list just shows how bored u (and we) are with no actual games going on xD
especially during vacation... the only time i can actually watch the games with not a lot of other stuff to do and no games yet :/
feaN [#22]overrated players are:
zombszombs is the most overrated player ever and he is not even good, for the other ones i would say they are good but not as the people would like to say
Lmao this is bait, but that's just all wrong
mystbz [#25]ok than American vision strikers fan
You have to be Korean to be a fan of vision strikers?
feaN [#22]overrated players are:
zombszombs is the most overrated player ever and he is not even good, for the other ones i would say they are good but not as the people would like to say
this is probably the most blatant bait I've ever seen, you literally just took like the best players from every team besides zombs and steel and said they were overrated.
GhostCat [#29]this is probably the most blatant bait I've ever seen, you literally just took like the best players from every team besides zombs and steel and said they were overrated.
how comes i didnt put cned and scream? cause they are awesome and they are underrated these players are the best ones, and how comes i did not say anything about shazham? cause he is underrated too for me..its just my opinion
feaN [#30]how comes i didnt put cned and scream? cause they are awesome and they are underrated these players are the best ones, and how comes i did not say anything about shazham? cause he is underrated too for me..its just my opinion
how are any of these players overrated??? and how is scream underrated like everyone knows hes insane ur just trying to bait too hard
turkey [#34]bruh if that one naranjin or whatever dude didn’t exist dicey wouldn’t even be on this list so it’s not fair
niranjan2004 is his name i think
feaN [#22]overrated players are:
zombszombs is the most overrated player ever and he is not even good, for the other ones i would say they are good but not as the people would like to say
bruh zombs barely even exists how can he be overrated
The_IroN_xD [#16]probably better than evil geniuses :)
why would you say probably you meant infinitely right?
Shumo [#39]NSG_Observer_2 The type of guy to think putting EG as his flair will get him Potters number
ffs :'D
Shumo [#39]NSG_Observer_2 The type of guy to think putting EG as his flair will get him Potters number
turkey [#36]bruh zombs barely even exists how can he be overrated
People call him best Astra NA when Vanity has proved much more than him
atmajitxD [#33]imagine having highest hs% in iceland and carrying your team in other tourney and being overrated kekw
its a bait bruh
Mrityunjay [#45]People call him best Astra NA when Vanity has proved much more than him
I still think zombs is overall underrated despite probably not being the best astra.
feaN [#30]how comes i didnt put cned and scream? cause they are awesome and they are underrated these players are the best ones, and how comes i did not say anything about shazham? cause he is underrated too for me..its just my opinion
I think those 2 players are amazing, but they are definitely not underrated, they are literally considered by a lot people to be the best players in the world. I also agree that shahzam is amazing and underrated and probably the best player on icebox, however the other players you mentioned are not overrated. I seriously don't think anyone think lakia, munchkin, patphan, jammpi, sacy, mixwell, steel, and zombs are better than any of those 3 so I don't think it makes sense to say they are overrated and cned, scream, and shahzam are underrated.