There is no Japan team in the Master Tokyo, right? So Sad
Reality check for japanese orgs, give better player opportunities.
-crow +literally anyone else
Yes but watching from spectator seats and they have to buy tickets
they will in show match i guess
Master winner vs jp team They gonna watch their team 13-0ed
Sick idea for showmatch, but never gonna happen since tight schedule but maybe like world vs japan would be doable i think like csgo
Something willcarry viewership
I think host nation should get a free slot.
But 4 players from JP region. Foxy9 (ex-RIG) Munchikin (ex-CR) Something (ex-SG) iNTRO (ex-E36,RC)
japan dont give a f bro , they still gonna watch every game W country
Yesterday, Laz was saying something in his stream about roster change/team issues, I am not good at Japanese so don't know what exactly he said
i think they have huge valorant fanbase and not a org fanbase ig. They'll watch all match regardless of whatever team is playing and thats a W. only bad crowd we had till now was brazil crowd coz they were biased af.