
CS frogs come

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never said anything like that so i guess im completely fine,but valorant will never match was cs has because of that history,ofcourse games can have passionate and real fans but i said cs is simply unmatchable in that because its so old and iconic


thats a pretty big leap from your original argument of val will never have a fanbase as passionate as cs to => val will never be as iconic as cs
will val be as iconic as cs ? prolly not considering it isn't some pioneer in the fps genre
will it have a fanbase that is just as active and passionate about the esports scene in overall numbers ? absolutely and thats what matters to me and is what I care about

also you make it sound like the average zoomer csgo watcher knows all about cs history and shit lmaoo most don't know anything before csgo nor do they care


the fuck are you talking about i still stand by that lmao,valorant will never have a community like cs has.


when the boomer csgo players are out and the zoomers are in the communties will be the exact same. keep staying delusional with that superiority complex cs isn't some insanely rare creation of mankind that can't be replicated it always has and always will be. the debate should be if cs even lasts longer than val considering how rapidly its viewership has been dropping since 2021 lmaooo


the wiewership is better than before 2021 tho,the active playerbase is bigger than before 2021 or even 2021,and the community is already full of young fans i dont see many old people in that crowd, and in terms of esports cs is quite literally a insanely rare creation because its the only one of its kind in every sense,and valorant and league with the casual gameplay and anime artstyle attract all the cringe American zoomers and egirls thank god,there already is a lot of "zoomers" in cs but the communities are not the same at all,infact most of the people hating on valorant and the corny "zoomer" culture it has are mostly zoomers too lol,they appeal to completely different target audiences

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