Every team’s best strength in the top 4


Let’s start with #4 then downwards.

Team Liquid- How well the team enables Scream (when he doesn’t play duelist and dies first)

Jamppi throws sometimes but a lot of those Jett dashes forward and then he gets picked is actually to take space on site. He’s literally doing what stewie2k does for liquid

#3 Nuturn

Tactics. Probably the most tactical team throughout the tournament. Some of their set call strats and pocket strats were great. Their mid hold on ascent is awesome, I haven’t seen any team break through their mid there.

#2 Fnatic
Crazy Balance
Everything is there for these guys. They have the map pool, iq, playmaking and aim. They were just beaten today by the better team.

#1 Sentinels
The entire team is just so fucking disruptive and skillful. You try to set up a mid split on haven and Sick peeks from garage and nails you. Take a main control, they give it up and retake safely. Shahzam had those nasty aggressive op plays on icebox in the first matchup against Fnatic that made them paranoid of where he would be. Notice how slow their A main and maze control became because of him.

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