PRX, they're all aim mid brain. They're like Pacific version of LOUD just with mid strats.
Asuna_Yuuki [#2]FNATIC
FNATIC got the equal firepower of PRX and a better coach. That's why they're at the top now.
Danny [#9]C9 :D
c9 runi outstratted FNS, wdym by mid strats. they look amazing mechanically and strategically.
PoonRaccoon [#11]agreed, but their recent performance hasnt been great. very inconsistent
it wasnt because of firepower tho
PoonRaccoon [#14]NAVI is like c9. Ange1 is a good IGL. His reads are good.
All 5 are incredibly mechanically (Ange1 for an IGL)
stratdiff [#16]cant put prx with mindfraud
mindfreak isnt the most consistent mfer but when he shoots back he seems like top 3 pacific at least and thats saying much considering the amount of good smokers pacific have
funny_prank [#15]ange1
ANGE1 is a much better aimer than almost every IGL other than Kingg or stax when he's IGLing.
This man hits shots that are as crazy as some young duelist players. His main problem is his obsessiveness to entry. That's why when he plays against teams that have very equal distribution of firepower like DRX, FNC, LOUD (if they meet), he gets shutdown on entries and has terrible first death ratio. It's his terrible playstyle that costs FPX/NAVI games many times.
koromast [#18]mindfreak isnt the most consistent mfer but when he shoots back he seems like top 3 pacific at least and thats saying much considering the amount of good smokers pacific have
Yeah like some of the rounds where he just shoots 3 in the head in quick succession like its nothing, when they weren't even peeking one by one lol.
PoonRaccoon [#7]FNATIC got the equal firepower of PRX and a better coach. That's why they're at the top now.
Mindfreak>= Boaster
PoonRaccoon [#14]NAVI is like c9. Ange1 is a good IGL. His reads are good.
ANGE1 is a great IGL but Shao and suygetsu world class players
Cned and zyppan are cracked aswell
Pengu12 [#25]ANGE1 is a great IGL but Shao and suygetsu world class players
Cned and zyppan are cracked aswell
Zyppan is world class too trust
Ricardo_Ereto69 [#20]Furia
Dgzin and Mw are too inconsistent, Khalil is always good but he only looked like the best Americas controller at the start of the league
koromast [#18]mindfreak isnt the most consistent mfer but when he shoots back he seems like top 3 pacific at least and thats saying much considering the amount of good smokers pacific have
fair enough
PoonRaccoon [#10]c9 runi outstratted FNS, wdym by mid strats. they look amazing mechanically and strategically.
Oh i only read the title LMAO
Didn’t realize this guy was talking shit