Elmapuddy diff + drx mid rounds 💀+ TS better igl
nahh they lose a map to a mf DFM bro
bc suggest popped off. They also 2-0ed every other team like TS, RRQ and T1
I'd argue RRQ could've gotten way more rounds if they don't pick lotus as their map and TS is probably the most inconsistent team rn tho ig it's still too early to tell
Yep... Not even close
more like k1ng diff
i dont mind tho drx losing to geng in group stage
drx 26-0 quickest 2-0 in val history
Only a 2-0 if Foxy9 jett diffs Meteor
Foxy9 > Meteor
Buzz says hello
Aged well
map 1 rb diff map 3 buzz diff
Buzz Rb says hi. But GenG took off a map that is awesome though