Winning almost every duel and playing so smart. Looking like the old NaTs
Jeffo [#2]Still need to see his lurks more, hope he does on fracture attack
True but it's looking promising
Ricegum [#5]okay now do it against giants
nats in prime form can do it against anyone, the problem is to get him to prime form
alitmanus [#11]he's a tier D player, he's playing against a team of the same tier as him
Stopped reading at alitmanus + NaTs owns your fav player
alitmanus [#11]he's a tier D player, he's playing against a team of the same tier as him
Gambit nAts smurfed in tier 1 lil bro, and he will do it again for sure. His peak is higher than any other player
Itsover [#14]Gambit nAts smurfed in tier 1 lil bro, and he will do it again for sure. His peak is higher than any other player
best team of that "tier 1" would be tier hell nowadays OMEGALUL
alitmanus [#15]best team of that "tier 1" would be tier hell nowadays OMEGALUL
he shitted on all your fav players lil bro
Itsover [#16]he shitted on all your fav players lil bro
he's not good enough to manage to face Aspas and Less, sad