helloiamaboss [#6]feel bad for the kid. the team has no idea how to play pearl in the slightest yet he will still get shit for it even tho its not his fault simply cus bronze kids think that tenz needs to get 30 or he should be dropped
pearl was his worst map ever
cholikarr [#7]Yea he shouldnt get hate
but why does it happen to deph? Its ok if its happening to anyone other than ur idolo i guess
no one should be getting hate
cholikarr [#7]Yea he shouldnt get hate
but why does it happen to deph? Its ok if its happening to anyone other than ur idolo i guess
Thoguth about this since we know more about TenZs private struggles than any other pro. All of these players have their struggles i think we should remind ourselves sometimes
cobalt21312 [#9]no one should be getting hate
true, but I feel like even with all of those hate from the TenZ threads posted on this site there's some valid criticism to be picked up, it's a bit wasteful to just "don't listen to the haters brooo keep ur head up"
hanafuuji [#11]true, but I feel like even with all of those hate from the TenZ threads posted on this site there's some valid criticism to be picked up, it's a bit wasteful to just "don't listen to the haters brooo keep ur head up"
I mean TenZ hasnt been that guy since 2022. Now is just not the time for all the criticism tho
hanafuuji [#11]true, but I feel like even with all of those hate from the TenZ threads posted on this site there's some valid criticism to be picked up, it's a bit wasteful to just "don't listen to the haters brooo keep ur head up"
the problem is that the valid criticism gets turned into pure hatred