Why do keep bringing up and hating foreigners in your hatred to EMEA teams?
Cool if you hate EMEA but Hating Foreigners are not cool
alitmanus [#2]ShitMEA not playing the victim challenge: impossible
you guys often say shit about Brazil like using our crime rate or poverty to offend us
but I'm the one racist cause I said Great Britain has no talent, which is true
nutab1e [#4]alticuckus but also why is he in ur head rent free like this
my hijos are gathering below me 🥺
I rent free in ur head as well
alitmanus [#2]ShitMEA not playing the victim challenge: impossible
you guys often say shit about Brazil like using our crime rate or poverty to offend us
but I'm the one racist cause I said Great Britain has no talent, which is true
it's not emea
this user is just very braindead
lorenzopajaroFC [#3]Funny part is he hates Brazilians as well
sou o que mais defende o Brasil neste site
inclusive esse lixo criou este topico porque eu disse que o Brasil era o melhor país no Valorant. E como ele não conseguiu rebater, começou a espernear e chorar me chamando de racista e pipipopo como todo mimadinho
nutab1e [#4]alticuckus but also why is he in ur head rent free like this
my hijos are gathering below me 🥺
ur one to talk
Moiraine [#9]it's not emea
this user is just very braindead
yes alitmanus is very braindead and also racist. not cool
alitmanus [#13]after getting owned by me the coward created a thread where all the SHITMEA braindead fans who can't debate against a gigachad 1000 IQ like me can cowardly attack me
Your racism deserves being called out
xD1LL4N [#17]Your racism deserves being called out
stay mad
Brazil is the best valorant country!!!
alitmanus [#2]ShitMEA not playing the victim challenge: impossible
you guys often say shit about Brazil like using our crime rate or poverty to offend us
but I'm the one racist cause I said Great Britain has no talent, which is true
brazil talking about victim card KEKW
iammika1999 [#18]Nah man we don't claim this clown
bom, os tugas sempre foram bons em chupar as bolas do reino unido
Kkonakorner [#23]the public opinion says otherwise
the public opinion: a coward who created a thread to attack me after getting owned by me in a fair debate
xD1LL4N [#17]Your racism deserves being called out
ur so obsessed with calling out racism on vlr i hope you have never said anything racist 🥺🥺🥺
alitmanus [#24]the public opinion: a coward who created a thread to attack me after getting owned by me in a fair debate
tbh it is cowardly to bully a disabled boy so i will leave you alone with your simple thoughts and anger towards emea,bye
gamr [#25]ur so obsessed with calling out racism on vlr i hope you have never said anything racist 🥺🥺🥺
actually he's mad cause I said brazil is the best valorant country
he cant accept the fact an emerging country is better than his ass country on a tactical game
he's the real racist
Kkonakorner [#26]tbh it is cowardly to bully a disabled boy so i will leave you alone with your simple thoughts and anger towards emea,bye
idc lil bro, who are you?
why u so obsessed with me?
onde que eu odiei o Brasil, seu lixo? Esse bosta ta me atacando porque eu disse que o Brasil era o melhor país do valorant.
Sou odiado neste forum por ser o que mais defende o Brasil aqui, enquanto vocês se cagam pros circlejerking desses gringos de bosta, peito todos sozinho e ainda tenho que aguentar brasileiro covarde me atacando.
alitmanus [#2]ShitMEA not playing the victim challenge: impossible
you guys often say shit about Brazil like using our crime rate or poverty to offend us
but I'm the one racist cause I said Great Britain has no talent, which is true
brazil talking about victim card XDDD
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#45]brazil talking about victim card XDDD
Brazil are angels close to shitMEA
there's a user who creates threads everyday shit talking americas
I never saw a single brazilian user doing it after we won champions
alitmanus [#10]sou o que mais defende o Brasil neste site
inclusive esse lixo criou este topico porque eu disse que o Brasil era o melhor país no Valorant. E como ele não conseguiu rebater, começou a espernear e chorar me chamando de racista e pipipopo como todo mimadinho
C não defende o Brasil, defende a versão idealizado da tua cabeça.
Quando o assunto é coisas do Brasil de verdade como funk ou o povo agindo de um jeito q vc não gosta a bandeirinha da Itália sobe rapidinho. Mas por outro lado tá certinho em xingar europeu pode continuar
alitmanus [#41]I miss Optic's fans
at least they didn't play the victim nor created threads attacking users to circlejerkshitMEA fans are disgusting. Filthiest community.
bro get a grip, go outside, help your family go study or make some friends
you can use this site as a distraction or time filler like most of us but do you need to be so toxic every single day?
come on even presidents have days off
lorenzopajaroFC [#47]C não defende o Brasil, defende a versão idealizado da tua cabeça.
Quando o assunto é coisas do Brasil de verdade como funk ou o povo agindo de um jeito q vc não gosta a bandeirinha da Itália sobe rapidinho. Mas por outro lado tá certinho em xingar europeu pode continuar
realidade: já até discuti aqui com os gringos sobre o samba ser um dos melhores estilos de dança do mundo
nem vale responder o resto, você é um dos maiores desonestos e mau-caracteres daqui, não tem culhão para peitá-los e quer atacar quem tem
bostão colhão mole
NG1nS [#48]bro get a grip, go outside, help your family go study or make some friends
you can use this site as a distraction or time filler like most of us but do you need to be so toxic every single day?
come on even presidents have days off
shitMEA as always with personal attacks and stooping low because his ass is hurt
babysasuke [#52]crazy that #1 anti-American racist is making this thread
cope and seethe you nerd
Im not anti-american.
im just anti YOU babysucka.
L + Peasant
alitmanus [#46]Brazil are angels close to shitMEA
there's a user who creates threads everyday shit talking americas
I never saw a single brazilian user doing it after we won champions
BR0NZIL crowd and general BR0NZ sentiment after losing LOCK/IN makes you 145x worse than anything EU's ever done lmfao, i even heard there was some br0nzillians that sent cauanzin (their own player) death threats because LOUD lost xdd embarrasment of a region BR0nzil crowd singlehandedly ruined lock/in br should never get to host another international LAN again (idc about game changers because the crowd is 2 toxic br0nshitians)
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#54]BR0NZIL crowd and general BR0NZ sentiment after losing LOCK/IN makes you 145x worse than anything EU's ever done lmfao, i even heard there was some br0nzillians that sent cauanzin (their own player) death threats because LOUD lost xdd embarrasment of a region BR0nzil crowd singlehandedly ruined lock/in br should never get to host another international LAN again (idc about game changers because the crowd is 2 toxic br0nshitians)
I'm talking about fans on this site, fucking illiterate
alitmanus [#55]I'm talking about fans on this site, fucking illiterate
literally do not care bro don't even start an argument about this, br0nshittians after losing lock/in were on VLR cursing out everyone and everything and could not accept the fact that they lost to godnatic
and thats without mentioning the masses of xenophobic shit ive seen from users with BR flag since
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#56]literally do not care bro don't even start an argument about this, br0nshittians after losing lock/in were on VLR cursing out everyone and everything and could not accept the fact that they lost to godnatic
and thats without mentioning the masses of xenophobic shit ive seen from users with BR flag since
you wish? Most racist users here are from shitMEA
I love europeans irl, but the europeans on this site are disgusting
you and OP are two of them.
alitmanus [#57]you wish? Most racist users here are from shitMEA
I love europeans irl, but the europeans on this site are disgusting
you and OP are two of them.
fam all ive done is pointing out how BR users on this site and in general do not have a very positive attitude towards much of anything and now im somehow disgusting while you've been sitting here and cultivating toxicity on this site ever since ur acc was made just stop talking at this point
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#58]fam all ive done is pointing out how BR users on this site and in general do not have a very positive attitude towards much of anything and now im somehow disgusting while you've been sitting here and cultivating toxicity on this site ever since ur acc was made just stop talking at this point
Shitmea fans:
don't accept criticism, downfrags and says "FNATIC owns you" to anyone who criticises them
the biggest circlejerk on this forum. You agree with racists like OP just because he created a thread attacking someone who criticizes your shitty region. Zero critical sense, you look like beasts with chimpanzee IQ.
You think they you are better and superior for little shit ignoring that you are made up of several countries and they didn't even get top 3 in champions
Always say racist things to other regions. I've been already called "third world rat" and worse thing by shitMEA fan here.
cultivating toxicity on this site ever
hahahaha said the clown saying "bronshittilians"
if you wanna talk about toxicity, dont be toxic
fucking hypocrite
alitmanus [#59]Shitmea fans:
don't accept criticism, downfrags and says "FNATIC owns you" to anyone who criticises them
the biggest circlejerk on this forum. You agree with racists like OP just because he created a thread attacking someone who criticizes your shitty region. Zero critical sense, you look like beasts with chimpanzee IQ.
You think they you are better and superior for little shit ignoring that you are made up of several countries and they didn't even get top 3 in champions
Always say racist things to other regions. I've been already called "third world rat" and worse thing by shitMEA fan here.
cultivating toxicity on this site ever
hahahaha said the clown saying "bronshittilians"
if you wanna talk about toxicity, dont be toxic
fucking hypocrite
if you wanna talk about toxicity, dont be toxic
ever since ur acc was made
oi lil bro you're the one who came at me in the first place if you dont want to get hit dont start shit thats the golden rule
ur welcome for the meltdown i induced onto you btw br0nshit + L 🗿
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#60]if you wanna talk about toxicity, dont be toxic
ever since ur acc was made
oi lil bro you're the one who came at me in the first place if you dont want to get hit dont start shit thats the golden rule
ur welcome for the meltdown i induced onto you btw br0nshit + L 🗿
you're literally agreeing with a racist who created a thread to harass a user
sit down even a piece of shit is more of a man than you, fucking coward
babysasuke [#52]crazy that #1 anti-American racist is making this thread
cope and seethe you nerd
own that fraud
xD1LL4N [#53]Im not anti-american.
im just anti YOU babysucka.L + Peasant
Im not anti-american.
im just anti YOU babysucka.
L + Peasant
do you ever do a double take before posting this cringe lmao
alitmanus [#61]you're literally agreeing with a racist who created a thread to harass a user
sit down even a piece of shit is more of a man than you, fucking coward
You're a toxic racist loser.
stop acting the victim. legit the boy who cried wolf.
gamr [#63]Im not anti-american.
im just anti YOU babysucka.L + Peasant
do you ever do a double take before posting this cringe lmao
gamr, you reply to me alot? idk who you are?
am i living rent free there?
xD1LL4N [#65]gamr, you reply to me alot? idk who you are?
am i living rent free there?
dont lie to myself you know exactly who i am lmaoooo
xD1LL4N [#64]You're a toxic racist loser.
stop acting the victim. legit the boy who cried wolf.
but at least I never created a thread to harass a user and cowardly collectively attack, nor I attacked someone here like this
I'm toxic, indeed, but I'm more of a man than a pathetic spoiled child who got mad because I owned you on the other thread and decided to get revenge in this disgusting way
I OWN you lil bro.
Brazil >>> Great Britain
Put mwzera and Aspas vs all the 5 best british players and we would win
alitmanus [#67]but at least I never created a thread to harass a user and cowardly collectively attack, nor I attacked someone here like this
I'm toxic, indeed, but I'm more of a man than a pathetic spoiled child who got mad because I owned you on the other thread and decided to get revenge in this disgusting way
I OWN you lil bro.
Brazil >>> Great Britain
Put mwzera and Aspas vs all the 5 best british players and we would win
calling out your toxic racist ass isn't harassment. This is not revenge, this is justice.
You now know how VLR feels about you. nt
gamr [#66]dont lie to myself you know exactly who i am lmaoooo
don't lie to myself? huh
i don't know you lil cringe bro
xD1LL4N [#68]calling out your toxic racist ass isn't harassment. This is not revenge, this is justice.
You now know how VLR feels about you. nt
stay mad
Brazil >>>>>> Great Britain
we wouldn't even need mwzera, put aspas + 4 diamonds more than enough to beat your no talent country
alitmanus [#34]I'm not baiting... do you think someone likes to be offended and defamed like this?
I'm just giving my opinion. It ain't my fault if you guys are spoiled children who cry at people's opinion with downfrags and collective attacks instead of fair debates with smart arguments.
Hit me with one of your smart arguments
alitmanus [#70]stay mad
Brazil >>>>>> Great Britain
we wouldn't even need mwzera, put aspas + 4 diamonds more than enough to beat your no talent country
is that your basic defensive mechanism ? do you even know how to debate or even talk about a topic?
or are you too childish?
xD1LL4N [#72]is that your basic defensive mechanism ? do you even know how to debate or even talk about a topic?
or are you too childish?
brazil talents:
Aspas, Mwzera, Heat, Xand, Havoc, Artzin, Less, Rglmeister, Cauanzin, Pancada, Sacy and the list goes on
great britain talents:
Boaster and Depph
alitmanus [#74]brazil talents:
Aspas, Mwzera, Heat, Xand, Havoc, Artzin, Less, Rglmeister, Cauanzin, Pancada, Sacy and the list goes ongreat britain talents:
Boaster and DepphOMEGALUL
You're a npc
xD1LL4N [#75]You're a npc
your two best players are Boaster and Depph lil bro
Brazil OWNS your country
alitmanus [#74]brazil talents:
Aspas, Mwzera, Heat, Xand, Havoc, Artzin, Less, Rglmeister, Cauanzin, Pancada, Sacy and the list goes ongreat britain talents:
Boaster and DepphOMEGALUL
and yet still no trophy on brazillian soil such a shame
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#77]and yet still no trophy on brazillian soil such a shame
our trophy was in shitmea soil
alitmanus [#78]our trophy was in shitmea soil
at least we can win tournaments on our own soil KEKW
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#80]at least we can win tournaments on our own soil KEKW
there's not a single romanian tier S player lil bro
dowameemee [#79]would kinda agree if you weren't hella hypocritical
That comment was satire and based on facts.
Mena has not done anything notable in valorant, watch fnatic at the egypt LAN vs a ton of diamond 3 aimers was shocking.
EU had gambit and FPX dominating the strategic side of valorant.
xD1LL4N [#82]That comment was satire and based on facts.
Mena has not done anything notable in valorant, watch fnatic at the egypt LAN vs a ton of diamond 3 aimers was shocking.
EU had gambit and FPX dominating the strategic side of valorant.
vro said "african aim"
you're a degenerate supremacist
no wonder you're mad cause I said brazil is better than your country at valorant
alitmanus [#83]vro said "african aim"
you're a degenerate supremacist
no wonder you're mad cause I said brazil is better than your country at valorant
Supremacist? I know the UK don't have many top tier players.
never stated that we had like you keep implying.
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#54]BR0NZIL crowd and general BR0NZ sentiment after losing LOCK/IN makes you 145x worse than anything EU's ever done lmfao, i even heard there was some br0nzillians that sent cauanzin (their own player) death threats because LOUD lost xdd embarrasment of a region BR0nzil crowd singlehandedly ruined lock/in br should never get to host another international LAN again (idc about game changers because the crowd is 2 toxic br0nshitians)
Romania Valorant... This is a real embarrassment.
Utter trash 😄🤣🤭
alitmanus [#78]our trophy was in shitmea soil
at least we can win tournaments on our own soil KEKW
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#87]at least we can win tournaments on our own soil KEKW
romania never won shit lil bro
you don't have a single player in Tier S
alitmanus [#81]there's not a single romanian tier S player lil bro
19 mill pop vs over 200 million population nt lil bro
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#90]19 mill pop vs over 200 million population nt lil bro
shit excuse, Chile has 19 mil pop and has a team with 4 players in tier S (leviatan)
acels2 [#5]expected, hes one of the most rtded users on this site
2nd most retarded only after you <3
alitmanus [#91]shit excuse, Chile has 19 mil pop and has a team with 4 players in tier S (leviatan)
Chile also has a more advanced economy
Number_1_Sheydos_Fan [#93]Chile also has a more advanced economy
yeah lil bro gigachad chileans OWN romania
alitmanus [#2]ShitMEA not playing the victim challenge: impossible
you guys often say shit about Brazil like using our crime rate or poverty to offend us
but I'm the one racist cause I said Great Britain has no talent, which is true
Gordan Ramsay > Neymar
You need food to live, not futbol.
Jk futbol is life. Ronaldinho > all of GB, even the Brits know that.
Shadow_Monarch [#96]Gordan Ramsay > Neymar
You need food to live, not futbol.Jk futbol is life. Ronaldinho > all of GB, even the Brits know that.
I don't like or care about football lil bro
I was rooting for argentina on world cup