Bettors come

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Can you give me a basic guide on how to place my bets and be more profitable


dont do it

the side effect of betting is never having sex


Betting can be considered bad for several reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Risk of addiction: Betting can be addictive, especially for people who are prone to compulsive behaviors. When betting becomes an addiction, it can lead to financial problems, strained relationships, and even health issues.
  2. Risk of losing money: When you bet, you are putting your money at risk. There is no guarantee that you will win, and in fact, most people who bet end up losing money. This can lead to financial difficulties and can even result in debt.
  3. Encourages irresponsible behavior: Betting can encourage people to take risks and make impulsive decisions. This can lead to irresponsible behavior such as spending money that should be used for essential items, like rent or groceries.
  4. Can be illegal: Depending on where you live, betting may be illegal. Engaging in illegal activities can lead to fines, legal trouble, and even imprisonment.

bet on the guard for ez money
(im joking btw don't bet unless you are really good)


Follow latam-best222's advice

Domination [#3]

Betting can be considered bad for several reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Risk of addiction: Betting can be addictive, especially for people who are prone to compulsive behaviors. When betting becomes an addiction, it can lead to financial problems, strained relationships, and even health issues.
  2. Risk of losing money: When you bet, you are putting your money at risk. There is no guarantee that you will win, and in fact, most people who bet end up losing money. This can lead to financial difficulties and can even result in debt.
  3. Encourages irresponsible behavior: Betting can encourage people to take risks and make impulsive decisions. This can lead to irresponsible behavior such as spending money that should be used for essential items, like rent or groceries.
  4. Can be illegal: Depending on where you live, betting may be illegal. Engaging in illegal activities can lead to fines, legal trouble, and even imprisonment.

Thanks for the enlightenment king


just bet team against rrq ez money mister adrik

Domination [#3]

Betting can be considered bad for several reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Risk of addiction: Betting can be addictive, especially for people who are prone to compulsive behaviors. When betting becomes an addiction, it can lead to financial problems, strained relationships, and even health issues.
  2. Risk of losing money: When you bet, you are putting your money at risk. There is no guarantee that you will win, and in fact, most people who bet end up losing money. This can lead to financial difficulties and can even result in debt.
  3. Encourages irresponsible behavior: Betting can encourage people to take risks and make impulsive decisions. This can lead to irresponsible behavior such as spending money that should be used for essential items, like rent or groceries.
  4. Can be illegal: Depending on where you live, betting may be illegal. Engaging in illegal activities can lead to fines, legal trouble, and even imprisonment.

I'm 99% sure that it's a Chat GPT text

Domination [#3]

Betting can be considered bad for several reasons. Here are a few:

  1. Risk of addiction: Betting can be addictive, especially for people who are prone to compulsive behaviors. When betting becomes an addiction, it can lead to financial problems, strained relationships, and even health issues.
  2. Risk of losing money: When you bet, you are putting your money at risk. There is no guarantee that you will win, and in fact, most people who bet end up losing money. This can lead to financial difficulties and can even result in debt.
  3. Encourages irresponsible behavior: Betting can encourage people to take risks and make impulsive decisions. This can lead to irresponsible behavior such as spending money that should be used for essential items, like rent or groceries.
  4. Can be illegal: Depending on where you live, betting may be illegal. Engaging in illegal activities can lead to fines, legal trouble, and even imprisonment.

Chat GPT


Bet on multiple teams that you know will win in one bet. This is called a parley and you stack the odds together which would make you more money. also never bet on EG as they are the worst team in franching

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