The Global Esports Clusterfuck

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A lineup consisting of all no namers, Skrossi and Ayrin, this team is a weird one. They stand in the franchising because of all their fans from India and while they pay no respects to them, half of them want to see atleast 1 Indian player in the lineup. Honestly, I do not want to see another team full of random no namers with someone from the NA getting shit on and its not in my interests, I'd rather see Global Esports develop the talent in India than do the same shit everyone else is doing. Add in Skrossi and LF and give them the shots they deserve at the global stage.


Bro are you gonna give them the visa?
They have visa issues because our indian passport isn't strong, infact afaik it has gotten weaker compared to a few years back ;-;

Strobe [#2]

Bro are you gonna give them the visa?
They have visa issues because our indian passport isn't strong, infact afaik it has gotten weaker compared to a few years back ;-;

my man why the fuck is the org not supporting them in those cases then? :/


bro called monyet a no namer and not skrossi 💀

nutab1e [#4]

bro called monyet a no namer and not skrossi 💀

Skrossi has a bigger fanbase than monyet does bro smh

Eldy [#3]

my man why the fuck is the org not supporting them in those cases then? :/

As a fan i agree with u but tbh not the right choice rn because ntg can happen rn but I will be very disappointed if GE doesn't pick up any Indian in the offseason or doesn't try out anything else...I mean current roster is good and it's a good project they are working on but saying our region doesn't cheer for us is just pure bs by them like what do fans have to cheer for?? Like I was still getting hyped cuz I like the org and jumping of the chairs but normal people wanna see Indian players and even how much u hate that's true i think if these guys play 2-3 more games without SkRossi Lf twitter gonna explode....sooon

Mikey_ [#6]

As a fan i agree with u but tbh not the right choice rn because ntg can happen rn but I will be very disappointed if GE doesn't pick up any Indian in the offseason or doesn't try out anything else...I mean current roster is good and it's a good project they are working on but saying our region doesn't cheer for us is just pure bs by them like what do fans have to cheer for?? Like I was still getting hyped cuz I like the org and jumping of the chairs but normal people wanna see Indian players and even how much u hate that's true i think if these guys play 2-3 more games without SkRossi Lf twitter gonna explode....sooon

Exactly, I'm a cricket fan and I like the PCT. Mostly watch league games where PCT players are playing and its pretty fun for me, thats what it is like for other fans too

Eldy [#7]

Exactly, I'm a cricket fan and I like the PCT. Mostly watch league games where PCT players are playing and its pretty fun for me, thats what it is like for other fans too

No i mean like GE future kinda uncertain after Franchise league this year are they gonna continue with this roster? They have worked so hard on??? Are they gonna bring? Indians???? On the team from Ascension??? Idk like Tough decisions.?? But one thing is for sure if SkRossi or LightningF don't play they gonna get alot of hate from genuine fans....like me , I think if this roster of 5 play they can easily beat top teams??? But ahhh idk this is why I don't like 7 man rosters?.?

Mikey_ [#8]

No i mean like GE future kinda uncertain after Franchise league this year are they gonna continue with this roster? They have worked so hard on??? Are they gonna bring? Indians???? On the team from Ascension??? Idk like Tough decisions.?? But one thing is for sure if SkRossi or LightningF don't play they gonna get alot of hate from genuine fans....like me , I think if this roster of 5 play they can easily beat top teams??? But ahhh idk this is why I don't like 7 man rosters?.?

They're probably gonna get dropped from Franchising if they don't play Indians is what I think.

Eldy [#9]

They're probably gonna get dropped from Franchising if they don't play Indians is what I think.

I have no clue bruh just i have mixed feelings about this roster I mean the roster is so good don't get me wrong players are freak of nature's but i mean idk if it was a right descision or not..?!

Mikey_ [#10]

I have no clue bruh just i have mixed feelings about this roster I mean the roster is so good don't get me wrong players are freak of nature's but i mean idk if it was a right descision or not..?!

not really the correct decision, they got picked in franchising because of the Indian fanbase.

Eldy [#5]

Skrossi has a bigger fanbase than monyet does bro smh


Eldy [#5]

Skrossi has a bigger fanbase than monyet does bro smh

if u are calling them no namers because they dont have a fanbase then ayrin is a no namer too, GE is just skrossi and a bunch of no namers to you

Strobe [#2]

Bro are you gonna give them the visa?
They have visa issues because our indian passport isn't strong, infact afaik it has gotten weaker compared to a few years back ;-;

owners are making visa excuses, its Japan not India. Tell me how many teams reported visa problems? They are giving excuses because they don't want to field rossi and lg in playing 5. Both rossi and lf has Singapore and Brazil stamp on their passport recently, so i don't see much hassle in visa and also they are in korea.

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