GE roster is fine

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this is probably a very very very divisive opinion but the GE roster being multicultural isnt an issue. its not like theyre playing in VCT SA, theyre playing in the APAC franchised league so they have no obligation to field a fully Indian roster. They weren't chosen to represent India in franchising, they were chosen because they were arguably the biggest organisation in a growing market that Riot were interested in investing into.

Now I'd understand if people were complaining that 3/7 of the roster are imports (ayrin from NA and t3xture/bazzi from korea) but the truth is, they aren't representing India anymore so they have no requirement to field a full Indian roster. And if they chose to field a full Indian roster, I'm sorry to say it but we all know they would not fare well. The calibre of eSports athlete's here, while rapidly growing, is just not enough to compete on the international level YET. Just look at how DFM are faring, we'd be in the same boat. Hopefully in a few years it'll become a reality, but its not happening right now.

This is just my opinion, if you have any other POVs lmk.

Also to the peeps who say indians shouldn't support GE because the roster isnt majority indian, do you think americans shouldnt support M80 since all the players are canadian? what about KOI, since they have only one spanish player?


no fuck you. FUCK YOU for trying to use logic on me. I will not hear any of this as a GE fan. They are PANDERING TO US THINKING US AS SHEEP.

Good, Hello India #GEFIGHTING


I don't have problem with them going for multinational roster but they should just stop saying they are indian team if they want to go that path


bro most people are asking for a 50-50 split where two indians in the starting lineup and one on the bench. rest could be imports


They should stop calling themselves indian team


TSM_Shreyash [#4]

bro most people are asking for a 50-50 split where two indians in the starting lineup and one on the bench. rest could be imports


OnlyOneStar2 [#3]

I don't have problem with them going for multinational roster but they should just stop saying they are indian team if they want to go that path

the organisation was started up and based in India, the founder and most employees are Indian, the majority of the fans are Indian; why should an international roster suddenly make them not indian?

if you want to argue that rosters are what defines an org's nationality, that's a whole different issue which probably requires its own thread.


Finally someone with brain
These no lyfer fake flaggers bait Indians so well that it makes me laugh every time


Why are so many Indians adamant with it being a full Indian roster? Like I get the representation aspect of it but realistically a full Indian roster won’t achieve anything.

yaiima0 [#9]

Why are so many Indians adamant with it being a full Indian roster? Like I get the representation aspect of it but realistically a full Indian roster won’t achieve anything.

Who are the Indians claiming they want a full Indian roster tho

wizardbot [#10]

Who are the Indians claiming they want a full Indian roster tho

On Twitter

yaiima0 [#9]

Why are so many Indians adamant with it being a full Indian roster? Like I get the representation aspect of it but realistically a full Indian roster won’t achieve anything.

most indians are wanting more representation not full indian roster


It'd never become a reality if they keep this up. How do you think players are ever going to get to that level if they are never given any exposure. Look at how stale the scene was for 3 years before Franchising,what do you think will change afterwards.

Also the said market where riot wants to expand you're talking about is literally India, and so yes GE does have a small responsibility to cater to and help grow the scene. And if they think they don't, they should stop pandering to the Indians fans and acting as if they're the saviors of Indian scene.

yaiima0 [#11]

On Twitter

Honestly I haven't seen a single guy, nearly everyone just wants more Indian rep. Most would be happy if its just Indians on the bench so that they get more exposure like GE initially promised.

wizardbot [#14]

Honestly I haven't seen a single guy, nearly everyone just wants more Indian rep. Most would be happy if its just Indians on the bench so that they get more exposure like GE initially promised.

What would be the perfect balance of Indians and Imports?

zeta1617 [#7]

the organisation was started up and based in India, the founder and most employees are Indian, the majority of the fans are Indian; why should an international roster suddenly make them not indian?

if you want to argue that rosters are what defines an org's nationality, that's a whole different issue which probably requires its own thread.

Yeah suddenly it make them international
No one cares about their origins or where they operates they have lineup based on APAC then it's a APAC team for now
And i don't have any problem with supporting GE because they have indian representative

GE got slot because fans from India were supporting them not any fans from APAC was supporting them for a slot

yaiima0 [#15]

What would be the perfect balance of Indians and Imports?

Personally Id love a 3 Indian 2 imports playing 5 with an import being the IGL. Would be fine with 2 Indians 3 imports too if theres atleast 1-2 Indians on the bench learning

wizardbot [#17]

Personally Id love a 3 Indian 2 imports playing 5 with an import being the IGL. Would be fine with 2 Indians 3 imports too if theres atleast 1-2 Indians on the bench learning

🗿 delusional

TSM_Shreyash [#12]

most indians are wanting more representation not full indian roster

this will sound harsh but the T1 scene is not the place to look for representation.

the quality at T1 level is so high that you need to make roster decisions that maximise the odds of winning, not to pander to representation requirements set by fans

representation chahiye then why not support the T2 scene in indians? i never see a single thread about the T2 scenes and teams in India, nearly every thread is about GE.

WACC [#18]

🗿 delusional

Obsessed clown, go shit yourself

wizardbot [#20]

Obsessed clown, go shit yourself

every comment you make me burst out of laughter

the delusion is strong in this one, maybe the weed hit a little too hard buddy

WACC [#21]

every comment you make me burst out of laughter

the delusion is strong in this one, maybe the weed hit a little too hard buddy

Wanting the best for the scene is delusional yes? Im not even making any comments about Indians being good lmao. I know they'd lose with a Indian roster

You really are obsessed btw, that post was when you didn't even use your acct lol. Did you really go through all my posts? Not to mention you spend the entire day trying to act like an Indian kek

wizardbot [#13]

It'd never become a reality if they keep this up. How do you think players are ever going to get to that level if they are never given any exposure. Look at how stale the scene was for 3 years before Franchising,what do you think will change afterwards.

Also the said market where riot wants to expand you're talking about is literally India, and so yes GE does have a small responsibility to cater to and help grow the scene. And if they think they don't, they should stop pandering to the Indians fans and acting as if they're the saviors of Indian scene.

GE is not the only valorant team in India, so your first point is kinda invalid. its not like indian teams are dominating VCT APAC but arent getting international chances.

you can argue that GE should cater to indian needs since they use the label of an Indian org. but its not like theyre using a fully international roster with no indian players right? i know people say skrossi was put in just to pander to the indian fans but the fact does remain that there is indian representation in the roster. the fans problem that "its not enough representation" is exactly that; the fans problem, not the orgs problem.

I will agree that 3 non-APAC players is slightly erring to the side of underrepresentation of APAC as a whole though.

OnlyOneStar2 [#16]

Yeah suddenly it make them international
No one cares about their origins or where they operates they have lineup based on APAC then it's a APAC team for now
And i don't have any problem with supporting GE because they have indian representative

GE got slot because fans from India were supporting them not any fans from APAC was supporting them for a slot

1) there are multiple teams which have originated from countries and had rosters of some other nationality
2) GE having indian fans makes them liable to have an indian roster? lol

like ive said multiple times, they represent APAC, not India. They were formed in India and so they have the right to term themselves as an Indian org. if they claimed to represent India on the international stage and fielded a fully non-indian roster, I would agree w/u guy. but this is just you guys whining that your favorite indian player isnt playing in international LANs. when the indian scene starts to dominate T2 APAC, then we can have another discussion on this.


tarik said they should bring 5 indian players together make them practice hours maybe we'll get more recognition . Someday they'll make it somewhere

zeta1617 [#19]

this will sound harsh but the T1 scene is not the place to look for representation.

the quality at T1 level is so high that you need to make roster decisions that maximise the odds of winning, not to pander to representation requirements set by fans

representation chahiye then why not support the T2 scene in indians? i never see a single thread about the T2 scenes and teams in India, nearly every thread is about GE.

Bro, 5 Indian on bench are miles better than 1.

ValoRISE [#25]

tarik said they should bring 5 indian players together make them practice hours maybe we'll get more recognition . Someday they'll make it somewhere

Agreed current roster is also a risk anyways better take the risk of 5 Indians and try tho i think a better idea would be 3 indians 3 imports

zeta1617 [#24]

1) there are multiple teams which have originated from countries and had rosters of some other nationality
2) GE having indian fans makes them liable to have an indian roster? lol

like ive said multiple times, they represent APAC, not India. They were formed in India and so they have the right to term themselves as an Indian org. if they claimed to represent India on the international stage and fielded a fully non-indian roster, I would agree w/u guy. but this is just you guys whining that your favorite indian player isnt playing in international LANs. when the indian scene starts to dominate T2 APAC, then we can have another discussion on this.

So you are saying without indian fans they would have made it to the franchise right? No right
Then stop saying that they represent APAC not india

ValoRISE [#25]

tarik said they should bring 5 indian players together make them practice hours maybe we'll get more recognition . Someday they'll make it somewhere

bring 5 indian players together make them practise hours

what exactly do you think other indian val teams are doing?

zeta1617 [#29]

bring 5 indian players together make them practise hours

what exactly do you think other indian val teams are doing?

Not against worl;d teams they r grinding there asses against teams like VLT who are already strong so its obv they will loosse they have no chance of improvment

Devanshhhhhh [#30]

Not against worl;d teams they r grinding there asses against teams like VLT who are already strong so its obv they will loosse they have no chance of improvment

if they cant win against VLT consistently then what good will going directly to teams like DRX and Talon do? itll become like the Zeta situation at master reykjavik where teams put them on a scrim blacklist because they arent good enough

OnlyOneStar2 [#28]

So you are saying without indian fans they would have made it to the franchise right? No right
Then stop saying that they represent APAC not india

its called Champions Tour: Pacific League, not Champions Tour: Indian League.

ItsMeDio [#26]

Bro, 5 Indian on bench are miles better than 1.

who's going to pay their salaries if theyre just going to be sitting on bench lol? 10-man roster was a media hype move, they must have realised how unrealistic itll be

zeta1617 [#32]

its called Champions Tour: Pacific League, not Champions Tour: Indian League.

That's what I said people who were supporting GE because of India representative are not going to look forward for them anymore don't teach me about region .
GE got slot because of their indian fanbase now with one indian on team many of us are not happy so it's their job to make them proper answer otherwise they will not care about them anymore....they can't get away from questions with trust the process all the time

OnlyOneStar2 [#34]

That's what I said people who were supporting GE because of India representative are not going to look forward for them anymore don't teach me about region .
GE got slot because of their indian fanbase now with one indian on team many of us are not happy so it's their job to make them proper answer otherwise they will not care about them anymore....they can't get away from questions with trust the process all the time

their job is to focus on winning, not to cater to social media users saying they want 3 indian players instead of 2

zeta1617 [#35]

their job is to focus on winning, not to cater to social media users saying they want 3 indian players instead of 2

So you are accepting that they don't care about Indian scene

OnlyOneStar2 [#36]

So you are accepting that they don't care about Indian scene

if they didnt care about indian scene, do you think they would have picked up 2 indian players?

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