How does soulcas still have a job?

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Whole last year he looked shit, and this year aswell he looks shit, He might have a large agent pool but if he is bang average near shit in all of them whats the point of having him in the team?
Seems to me this is inexcusable judging how many poor performances he has had.


Honestly, the liquid system just looks so bad right now, it's not even fair to pin shit on any 1 player.

I do get that soulcas has looked like a weak link before. But he's also been good at times. SHRUG

yungbasel [#2]

Honestly, the liquid system just looks so bad right now, it's not even fair to pin shit on any 1 player.

I do get that soulcas has looked like a weak link before. But he's also been good at times. SHRUG

Soulass has been shit forever, he’s not one to blame here but he definitely doesn’t deserve to be a franchise player and other player is an upgrade from him


I'm sorry if this sound harsh but I think they keep Soulcas out of mere sympathy (about his family having illness)

swf [#3]

Soulass has been shit forever, he’s not one to blame here but he definitely doesn’t deserve to be a franchise player and other player is an upgrade from him

"shit forever" is an exaggeration. But ya, i'm not dying on any hill defending his performances.


for the love of god stop soulcas hate
he isnt performing well yeah but he deserves to be on the roster and he will prove to you all when he wakes up because there is a monster in him that hasnt been unleashed yet.
you'll all see

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