I had a gut feeling koi would win. Fk my pickem My team was koi anyways cuz Gambit guild goat
Hopefully fnc vit koi tl qually
KOI win Master Japan confirm
match aint over
ufc [#2] KOI win Master Japan confirm
talon koi final
Dokka [#4] talon koi final
yes confirmed, talon only save strats for Master Japan
NAVI 2-1 tier 2 frauds 🗿
navi just inting with map choices and comps as always
ufc [#5] yes confirmed, talon only save strats for Master Japan
talon threw ascent for content
Dokka [#3] match aint over
Ik. I did have a super gut feeling while looking at the other games.
meyournightmare [#6] NAVI 2-1 tier 2 frauds 🗿
gekko 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿