Wait, babe... where are you?
Uhhhh ok?
I'm right here baby ☺️
I'm up oniichan UwU
Maybe u left her in ur dream
Obelisk [#3] I'm right here baby ☺️
Here you are!! I thought u left me
HadEs_In [#6] Bedge
I think I need bed yeah
LyCan52 [#5] Maybe u left her in ur dream
What dream. I don't sleep
I_SELL_ORGANS [#7] schizo
dont sell my organs pls
danii1 [#10] What dream. I don't sleep
Understandable have nice day
LyCan52 [#12] Understandable have nice day
BackoxyXD [#11] dont sell my organs pls
i got 1 if someone needs