Glad they left NA :)
korea about to turn into a superegion
You cannot imply that Detonation FocusMe, Global Esports, Rex Regum Qeon, and Team Secret are super teams for a super region LMFAO
KOREA about to turn into a supercountry ? Maybe that would be better
Actually though T1 have so many good talents but they can't find any success lol
same with indo SAJ
Hope dynamic gets a chance to show off his potential :)
T1 pick up the best cracked players and put them on the worst roles with the worst structure imaginable
"best cracked players" 0/8. The only cracked player on that roster is Sayaplayer. Lmao.
Key word is NA. You guys from NA like to overhype too many of your players. Then when you see actual talent like Mwzera you would say that he farmed stats in a tier 3 region. Just NA delusional things. Lmao.