ASPAS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALL
Aspas had 3 good maps and disapeared completely for 2 vs DRX.
A goat shows up every map
flair checks out
Derke Leo clear Lspas with ez
So according to you yay is dogshit since he got diffed by leo in copenhagen
You calling LEO dogshit?
navi won't get even one map against Lnatic lil bro
he woke up with pain in his arm and had to go to the physiotherapist and managed to ease it a little,but on fracture the pain come back so performance has dropped
he said that he was having armache when he woke up that was solved by the physiotherapist, but the pain returned during the 2 last games
Derke is good tho But aspas is the final boss
Derke higher rated
downfrag but that won't change the fact that Derke statistically is higher rated than Aspas
Buzz also had higher rating Look what happened kekw