Ardiis has a much wider agent pool than Yay which is
more flexible for this meta and allows for more comps.
Ardiis's Jett is equal if not better than Yay's Jett.
chick [#2]Idk man, the meta is changing as we speak- the new agent will surely come with agent nerfs as well, considering it being an initiator- yeah ardiis is better 100%
Well Chet said that they will not be making roster changes.
Zayol [#4]Well Chet said that they will not be making roster changes.
Good guy chet singh, it’s obvious though why practice with a team and import an european guy when you wanted to have yay and marved on nrg anyways
chick [#6]Good guy chet singh, it’s obvious though why practice with a team and import an european guy when you wanted to have yay and marved on nrg anyways
marved was choosing to retire at the time nrg was having its roster solidified, was offered a spot and chose not to, so they kept s0m. fns talked about it in an interview with yinsu. think hmarved's considering pro-play again now though.
horse69 [#3]ardiis can play raze, yay cant
Yea but i doubt raze would be meta next season, i think we might go back to double triple initiator season with jett op
chick [#5]Yea but i doubt raze would be meta next season, i think we might go back to double triple initiator season with jett op
chick knows more about future meta than pros🧐
horse69 [#3]ardiis can play raze, yay cant
He doesn’t need to cuz Victor can play Raze better than both of them. The problem is that yay can’t play flash initiators either (andbox breach doesn’t count)
Shadow_Monarch [#10]NRG wont ever win unless they drop Victor. This is a fact.
they won WITH victor last year btw! also, flair check kekw