y0y exposed... overpriced player who abused chamber meta.
I agree,and probably he will play in EMEA
EMEA mentality fits him better but salaries are also lower and he would have to go in another continent so idk
True,but I can imagine he playing in Liquid
replacing Jamppi? or replacing soulcas and changing roles in the team
Soulcas and changing roles,jamppi is cracked
I agree. I been a Jamppi believer since day dot
i think c9 learned from tenz, invest in a player so u can sell for more later
TL yay, actually unstopable team
agreed, if they drop jamppi.
DSG YaY confirmed
he got named El Diablo way before chamber meta so do some thinking
so what,still being comparable to every other duelist/awper in NA kekw
Sorry, VLR posters can only focus on one meta at a time