Hmm, im going to play devils advocate and say that the arena managers who usually cooperate with Riot to do this are also at fault. But then again by collective responsibility, riot is also at fault for not collaborating properly.
Hopefully, fans get a better experience for future events and a bad look for small indie company rito
I just feel that Riot BR should have organized this because they know the country well the conditions etc. And would probably do a better job in organizing the event. Because everytime I saw a player in an interview they're sweating af. And backpacks not allowed is ok because many stadiums don't really allow those. But not bringing waterbottles is kinda fcked up.
hi, i work as a steward for football teams, some of these precautions are absolutely normal (umbrellas can be weapons, water bottles with their cap on aren't allowed, etc) it's also totally normal for the stadium to have its own bar, what's not normal is to ask for the fans to get some shady card and not allow food to enter, riot very weird for this icl
just create a transparent dome kind of stuff for players in arena and allow the shit audience bring they cant do anything or sell stuff cheap dont try to make money in this kind of stuff riot needs to spend money they cant be thrifty and Air conditioning is necessary but why are players not complaining how can anyone play 40 degrees celsius
what about this ? i hear Riot Brazil and brazilian fans malding about the event. can someone translate for me ? i dont understand Portugis
i mean Brazilian fans are known to be violent surrounding sports and esports so i can understand no backpacks its very common practice atleast in the states, but the overcharging for water, no AC and whatever this riot card bullshit is sounds like some classic American capitalist exploitation unfortunately the only way they'll ever fix any of this is if ticket sales drop id boycott the event if i was Brazilian.