Guys a beast and gets talked about wayyy too less than other pros he deserves more appreciation
Blaezey [#2]unlucky he was always in screams shadow. But hes doing well this event
Idk about his csgo career but I heard he was gonna be one of the best if he wasn't benched much? (idk I might be wrong)
kzeriar [#10]idk why but Nivera feels so 8/80, sometimes he carries a map and sometimes he bottom frags
no? lol
61Hiko [#11]no? lol
overall I still think he's a great player but it feels like his amplitude is so wide
kzeriar [#12]overall I still think he's a great player but it feels like his amplitude is so wide
bro almost never bottom frags. stop making shit up
pussyslayer [#7]Idk about his csgo career but I heard he was gonna be one of the best if he wasn't benched much? (idk I might be wrong)
idk about nivera's cs career too much. im just a lil zoomer from NA that plays child game