pretty good for a non duelist comp ngl
if only that guy were a better headhunter user
its the nerf lol he got insanely unlucky against the breach
It was also th crosshair placement, the other situation when he actually clutched, was a bodyshot with viper's vulnerabilty
FPX would’ve gotten shit on by a team that didn’t use such a braindead comp like KCorp did
Now my silver and gold lobbies insta lock him again forgetting trap is nerf
i feel like more disciplined teams would have picked apart this FPX comp, however big props to FPX for being able to take advantage of KC
China/Apac chamber not too sharp Stfu, Yes Thank you. Don't generalise apac we good in chamber lah
I already said chamber on haven is viable only becaus of the trap range because chamber ultimate is not main factor.
so mr. diablo gonna pull out a chamber? 😳
called it
You know your shits
he said that when fpx were doing good with the chamber..