How do you pronounce Xand? I’m an ignorant Canadian, but I’ve been saying it like “shand”, and now I’m not sure if that’s right.
thiagomds [#3]shandi, but the "a" pronounce as nose vowel(I don't know if in english exist this sound)
I’m not sure it does. Is a nose vowel said more nasally?
adilKhan [#6]Damn, all this time I thought it was pronounced as zand 💀
I thought it was that too for a while 💀
LathesRule [#4]I’m not sure it does. Is a nose vowel said more nasally?
yep, put on google to understand better
Mca [#12]It's like you're saying "Shall Spencer" for Xan, but the A kinda like "Amber", and de D is like "decide".
So all together becomes X +an + d
Shandi, If you were to speak in english.
Alexandre Pato :)