Qwertyy come

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uhhh you're just wrong lol, Killjoy is played on pearl as of recent and also on haven by multiple teams.
Cyphers buffs will make him more viable on breeze and more viable on other maps like possibly ascent and haven again
the chamber nerfs are supposed to be like pretty big bigger than the ones before, they still have not nerfed his ultimate firerate and headhunter pull out time which is his biggest fucking issue.
I asked for if yay would be the main sentinel or go back to jett, and I assumed he'd go to jett obviously.
Zellsis and Xeppaa on sova like i said do not look like a top tier sova, but it is obviously because they are not comfortable on those characters, I think that c9 probably have thought of an issue for the sentinel problem but when you have two duelists and two duelist flex plus controller igl it just doesn't make sense role wise.
I think 100T NRG will be over c9 for this year but I do think c9 has incredible talent, its just NRG and 100T have the roles making sense.




own that loser


see the thing is, they have and will continue to practice non stop… there is no guarantee saying that no changes will be made and all players will remain on the same roles. there are plenty of players that are spectacular in their roles on the free market that c9 could have picked up but they didnt, which means that c9 knows what they want to do. yay can play op role/sage if he goes back to that, vanity controller and has played cypher and kj before, zellsis and xeppaa are extremely flexible, and leaf is flexible too. you cant really judge teams only based off of the past season as the meta is shifting and maps are going out of rotation. its not fair to judge a team by the players and their roles individually too.



ok i've said multiple times I know zellsis and xeppaa are flexible, but I am saying is right now they do not look comfortable on sova, I know vanity has played cypher in the past and his killjoy was not great, I am not judging them on past season I am judging them off the incoming chamber nerfs and the fact that they have 2 duelist players and 2 duelist flex players with a controller IGL. I know c9 probably thought of something and probably will bring in like qpert for a sentinel dependent map thats not chamber if need be or something like that.
I am simply saying that because of the role issue and the comfortability plus chamber nerf and also the support vanity has compared to what fns had is why I think they will be SLIGHTLY below S tier and at the top of A tier. I think NRG and 100T will be better because they have better supporting rosters and all are comfortable on their roles.
for example, 100T with bang on smokes, asuna on flex, stellar on sentinel, derrek on initiator, and cryo as duelist is perfect role wise as all are comfortable.
NRG with ardiis as duelist, vic as flex, crashies as init, s0m as smokes, and fns on whatever need be, most likely sentinel/site anchor also fits the roles better than cloud9
I am not saying c9 is bad but I am saying is they won't dominate NA like everyone thinks.


the only map most teams play sova anyway is breeze

every other map its mostly kayo + fade which are the agents zellsis and xeppaa look fantastic in

leaf and yay would be playing main duelist or chamber with vanity playing smokes

for maps like bind where the meta is double controller - both leaf and zellsis have shown they can play the viper flex

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