dont worry keep up the trashtalk its us who keep the site alive anyway when na sleeping
DrudaL [#3]give me context why tf thread indo india somehow blow up
One Indian man decided to start a war
ItsMeDio [#4]i hope no one here genuinely become hate each other (countries) lol
ive said this many times here i love all of u (flyingdoggo an exception tho)
ItsMeDio [#4]i hope no one here genuinely become hate each other (countries) lol
impossible lul, indo Irl is quite opposite of them on the internet but Idk about Indian tho...
Beyonder2 [#11]impossible lul, indo Irl is quite opposite of them on the internet but Idk about Indian tho...
example: our players can't even take a banter (Nox-paycheckstealer-xy)
iframedeez [#13]majority
example: our players can't even take a banter (Nox-paycheckstealer-xy)
6vine [#16]bUt wE wErE jUST bAITINg !!!!
How do some of you have so much free time to reply to almost every thread on this site lmao.
I'm genuinely concerned for that flyingdoggo guy, how do you manage to have 8 accounts all with 500+ posts on each account in like 6-7 months LOL
he needs friends </3
actually sad for him
CowokjarangmAndy [#5]One Indian man decided to start a war
I think this one triggered them 😂
ItsMeDio [#4]i hope no one here genuinely become hate each other (countries) lol
Its all love and banter out here
Unless youtube chat have a different things to say