This India GXR Invitational production is massive L. Hope they irons out all the bad things tomorrow
jeet24 [#2]25 people LAN 🤣🤣🤣
Hyderabad Crowd too BIG for such tournaments 😱😱😱
I saw only 10 though 🤔
jeet24 [#2]25 people LAN 🤣🤣🤣
Hyderabad Crowd too BIG for such tournaments 😱😱😱
I wouldn't stay there for 7 hours just to watch 2 games fbf
OzyMeister [#7]Indian TOs are dogshit
GXR is not TO. They just throwing money to get famous.
They are doing same thing ,that VLT used to do 2 years ago with PUBG mobile events.
They are just doing this event for Publicity.
like this.