In 1 hour, PRX will announce their 6th player. Source: their official youtube channel
Edit: It will be announce at 8PM SGT
ItsMeDio [#4]so, who is cigarettes? xccurate other nickname?
looks like its gonna be cigg but i will be rlly happy if they pick a sg player
JiangLi [#5]looks like its gonna be cigg but i will be rlly happy if they pick a sg player
who sg have another jinggg or what ?
ItsMeDio [#4]so, who is cigarettes? xccurate other nickname?
idk man f0rsaken and xccurate can speak thai
imagine if prx tryna fuck with our heads LMAO
Taramissu [#15]Its ciggaretteS, his twitter is followed by prx, prx video editor, and prx social media manager
Is he good?