What's the buff?
horse69 [#5]trip's hp is increased to 200, if opponents go through cyber cage their position is revealed, camera becomes invisible even when its on, ultimate reveals opponents for 20 seconds
horse69 [#5]trip's hp is increased to 200, if opponents go through cyber cage their position is revealed, camera becomes invisible even when its on, ultimate reveals opponents for 20 seconds
not enough ngl
horse69 [#5]trip's hp is increased to 200, if opponents go through cyber cage their position is revealed, camera becomes invisible even when its on, ultimate reveals opponents for 20 seconds
i like the idea of increasing the trip health and the revealing of positioning tho...
Gutssz [#20]💀💀💀 i like this idea
it was actually a bug when the game's first released 💀
titanwithpp [#22]Buff to tripwire - His trips when broken cuts your internet wire IRL
Buff to cyber cage - If you set foot in the cage, you're instantly teleported to alcatraz prison IRL
even with this kind of buff ppl would still be making threads "why is cypher so bad?" lmao
hanafuji [#23]even with this kind of buff ppl would still be making threads "why is cypher so bad?" lmao
His ult buff - people who complain about cypher buff are placed in solitary confinement with his camera recording them in 4k 24/7 IRL
hanafuji [#23]even with this kind of buff ppl would still be making threads "why is cypher so bad?" lmao
imo cypher is still viable if they make his trip no to interact with other abilities like boombot, prowler etc you can still break it yea with kj nades etc but lil higher hp
cages are fine
camera should become invisible faster?
ult should keep revealing enemy like his camera for 7-8s?
Vianx11 [#27]imo cypher is still viable if they make his trip no to interact with other abilities like boombot, prowler etc you can still break it yea with kj nades etc but lil higher hp
cages are fine
camera should become invisible faster?
ult should keep revealing enemy like his camera for 7-8s?
An honest buff would be to make them invisible until you actually walk into it but cypher can only see it after 1.5 seconds of the player being stuck in the tripwire, not right away.
His cages can be unique kinda smokes where enemy walking into them/staying in them will ping enemy outline.
Camera is pretty fine IMO, gives info and can be broken
Ult should give a ping 2 times every 3 seconds
hanafuji [#21]it was actually a bug when the game's first released 💀
this is so fucking awesomee