which org is he taking bout?
which org is he taking bout?
luckypleb [#8]The org is one of those that played in TEC Challengers 9, will only say that
Lets do another one. One of the best teams in a category of conpetitive VALORANT and has one of the best players in APAC in that category.
Copied from nethenoobVAL tweets
xerxia? I mean it's gotta be alter ego right?
luckypleb [#8]The org is one of those that played in TEC Challengers 9, will only say that
Lets do another one. One of the best teams in a category of conpetitive VALORANT and has one of the best players in APAC in that category.
Copied from nethenoobVAL tweets
idk why this got me thinking enerii 👀
not_smart_user [#14]imagine it's enerii👀
i wouldnt give enerii a 100k buyout right after game changers
not_smart_user [#14]imagine it's enerii👀
I mean it could definitely be enerii, I've heard there are a few orgs that interested in signing AEC, but ever since they failed to qualify to berlin the rumor died down.
solsolid [#16]Indo orgs just getting L's repeatedly, what an embarrassment
I think it's good that they are finally exposed
luckypleb [#8]The org is one of those that played in TEC Challengers 9, will only say that
Lets do another one. One of the best teams in a category of conpetitive VALORANT and has one of the best players in APAC in that category.
Copied from nethenoobVAL tweets
Either surf xerxia or kush AE
luckypleb [#19]I think it's good that they are finally exposed
Indo mobile gaming orgs are just here for some quick cash, maybe other than onic and btr idk doe.
Pogtestic [#25]Indo mobile gaming orgs are just here for some quick cash, maybe other than onic and btr idk doe.
BOOM also seems like a cool org
luckypleb [#26]BOOM also seems like a cool org
Yea but i said mobile gaming orgs, boom focuses on pc games
hanafuji [#18]I mean it could definitely be enerii, I've heard there are a few orgs that interested in signing AEC, but ever since they failed to qualify to berlin the rumor died down.
it's gaining traction in the gc community sooo.....
oh yeah it's eneriii LMAO
hanafuji [#33]oh yeah it's eneriii LMAO
who would pay that amount 💀
Warlordwibz [#36]Indo org takes advantage of Indonesia minimum wage of Rp4.65 million or USD $300/month
I think the problem is not the wage itself, but the six digit buyout IMO
Rispek Adrian, berani speak up o7
wolkSy_vlrt [#41]soalnya tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya, jadi kemungkinan AE celeste ada yang mau diambil playernya terus pasang harga tinggi
ehhh serius harus ada tim cewenya? pantesan tim yang satu itu hemat hemat lmao
wolkSy_vlrt [#41]soalnya tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya, jadi kemungkinan AE celeste ada yang mau diambil playernya terus pasang harga tinggi
licik kali wkwk
chicagokyoto [#42]ehhh serius harus ada tim cewenya? pantesan tim yang satu itu hemat hemat lmao
nonton podcast pak ap yang sama jendralson di channel youtube valorantesportindo. ada pembahasan kalau tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya juga
wolkSy_vlrt [#41]soalnya tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya, jadi kemungkinan AE celeste ada yang mau diambil playernya terus pasang harga tinggi
Lebih ke arah emang ae nya gamau jual ga sih(kalo beneran ae) makanya di pasang harga tinggi, kalopun dijual untung gede, kalo di club bola biasanya di pagerin pake clausul buyout 1b malahan
wolkSy_vlrt [#44]nonton podcast pak ap yang sama jendralson di channel youtube valorantesportindo. ada pembahasan kalau tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya juga
luckypleb [#49]at the end of the day it's all business and companies will fuck you up if they can
yeah they don't have morals and standards, their only goal is to generate profit.
ChutaChu [#45]Lebih ke arah emang ae nya gamau jual ga sih(kalo beneran ae) makanya di pasang harga tinggi, kalopun dijual untung gede, kalo di club bola biasanya di pagerin pake clausul buyout 1b malahan
Ada benenrnya jg nih, kita kan gak tau juga perbincangan deal2an mereka gmn, kali aja AE emg gak mau jual playernya tp ditawar tawar mulu, pas dikasih harga sekian eh malah koar2 wkekekwkwk. Usahakan dulu deh jgn narik kesimpulan cuma dari satu sisi aja
Kowloon1st [#52]Ada benenrnya jg nih, kita kan gak tau juga perbincangan deal2an mereka gmn, kali aja AE emg gak mau jual playernya tp ditawar tawar mulu, pas dikasih harga sekian eh malah koar2 wkekekwkwk. Usahakan dulu deh jgn narik kesimpulan cuma dari satu sisi aja
iya itu namanya AE nahan player nya buat berkembang di tim yang lebih punya msa depan
wolkSy_vlrt [#41]soalnya tim2 franchise harus ada tim GCnya, jadi kemungkinan AE celeste ada yang mau diambil playernya terus pasang harga tinggi
Inikan konteks udah dalam kontrak, bukan mau diambil
Pogtestic [#21]Either surf xerxia or kush AE
One of the best teams in a category of conpetitive VALORANT -Game Changer, Alter EGo Celeste
has one of the best players in APAC in that category - Eneriii
Kr1zt [#61]Riot wants to control everything related to valorant business, even harming team's business plans, but allowed this kind of scam??
Not a franchise team, also maybe these orgs found gap on the rulebook idk
Kowloon1st [#52]Ada benenrnya jg nih, kita kan gak tau juga perbincangan deal2an mereka gmn, kali aja AE emg gak mau jual playernya tp ditawar tawar mulu, pas dikasih harga sekian eh malah koar2 wkekekwkwk. Usahakan dulu deh jgn narik kesimpulan cuma dari satu sisi aja
that's still scummy move by AE, literally contract jail dan emang gajinya di atas 'UMR Jakarta' tapi ya kalo di Jakarta gaji segitu bisa dibilang ngepas (as in bareminum to survive bukan 'udah pas/udah ok')
iframedeez [#63]that's still scummy move by AE, literally contract jail dan emang gajinya di atas 'UMR Jakarta' tapi ya kalo di Jakarta gaji segitu bisa dibilang ngepas (as in bareminum to survive bukan 'udah pas/udah ok')
bukan masalah gajinya sih menurutku, buyoutnya aja yg gila, masa ngegaji player cuma 5 jutaan cuma pas mau ngebeli playernya dijual miliaran? licik banget emang
hanafuji [#64]bukan masalah gajinya sih menurutku, buyoutnya aja yg gila, masa ngegaji player cuma 5 jutaan cuma pas mau ngebeli playernya dijual miliaran? licik banget emang
Iya anying
Ga ngotak ini org parah bet
Harusnya harga buyoutnya maksimal di seratusan juta itu
hanafuji [#64]bukan masalah gajinya sih menurutku, buyoutnya aja yg gila, masa ngegaji player cuma 5 jutaan cuma pas mau ngebeli playernya dijual miliaran? licik banget emang
ya makanya gue sebut scummy, kalau mereka sampe ketahan di AE cuman karna buyout yang ga masuk akal masa mesti nunggu kontraknya kelar. Riot need to intervene this kind of practice
I thought argh argh que is bad, but this org:
They on different level💀
ChutaChu [#67]I thought argh argh que is bad, but this org:
https://twitter.com/Secret_Fayde/status/1582366714322333696?t=E0YOlO8Z7K-L0eHZV10otQ&s=19They on different level💀
I don't think any org could go any lower than what RRQ did, but holy 💀
ChutaChu [#67]I thought argh argh que is bad, but this org:
https://twitter.com/Secret_Fayde/status/1582366714322333696?t=E0YOlO8Z7K-L0eHZV10otQ&s=19They on different level💀
RRQ is a shit org, but this 🗿🗿🗿 org is just trying to go far and beyond 💀
ChutaChu [#67]I thought argh argh que is bad, but this org:
https://twitter.com/Secret_Fayde/status/1582366714322333696?t=E0YOlO8Z7K-L0eHZV10otQ&s=19They on different level💀
Wtf is this