For the love of god, stop the straw-manning.

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With regards to the GE situation, I know you people are young and prolly wanna be contrarian for contrarian's sake, but stop and think before spouting shit. Nobody is askin' for 5 Indians. Everyone, including us, knows we aren't good enough.

In reality, most fans want at least two Indians, in a supposedly "Indian" org, which is backed by "Indians", which arguably even got the spot cuz of it's gigantic fan base. If it was player quality that mattered, there were much better orgs/teams that got looked over (Bleed, Boom, etc).

Now, why do fans want that?

Given the fact that CS is dead here, fans care for the scene growth in India as a whole. Cuz players and fans grow the scene, not the orgs. If that were the case, DOTA should've been flooded by Indians right now cuz of Entity.


I'd hate GE so kuch if there's arent atleast 2 Indians in the team. These guys got over for representations's sake and the Indian fanbase and they are trying to they fuck us over like RRQ is doing to Indos

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