riot if you see this. thanks for being so quick for the community
if its valve. gaben would never care LMAO
riot if you see this. thanks for being so quick for the community
if its valve. gaben would never care LMAO
hanafuji [#2]also plz add replay system
for fucking real, i wish you can replay all your competitive matches
soulstalker [#5]its strarting from the dude who creat petition, so riot heard about the petition and start warned them.. its works guys vlr-rian u did a great fkin job...
thats me ;)
p1ay2ac3 [#9]Happy for you Indos 😊 Always remember GE is always open for Indo players.
i still root for GE more than this lying org
SAMPV6 [#12]What was happening? I don't know why they are sending the warnings, did they mess things up?
RRQ promised to represent Indonesia but then they signed tier 2 players from the Philippines and 1 indo player