Who is going to sign this guy? he can't stay out of Pacific Franchise, is one of the best players in the region
hanafuji [#8]I think gen g could sign him, the only way he could ever play in pacifics is through an international roster so yeah gen g is his only chance
They will not sign a mid player
Trust me
Delusional_SkRossi_Stan [#6]He can't speak English ಥ‿ಥ
but there is no chance that any org will sign EDG roster?
Delusional_Messi_Fan [#27]but there is no chance that any org will sign EDG roster?
EDG Players Gets More Salary Than Some Franchised Team LMAO
Ullyr [#29]Lmao ppl don't realized China will get their own league and their orgs probably paying more than most.
i think so
Ullyr [#29]Lmao ppl don't realized China will get their own league and their orgs probably paying more than most.
cn won't be getting a new league is what i read from reports when Franchised reports dropped also it makes sense . They just want to keep Asia , Americas and EMEA league.
They probably will increase slots for Asia league eventually when the game releases which is uncertain still